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"Not yet." Zhou Mochen chuckled softly: "Don't worry, Su Su, your name will be in my household registration book sooner or later."

"..." Xu Su blushed at his smile and realized that her question was ambiguous, as if she hated getting married.

Xu Su became angry: "I didn't mean that, don't laugh at me."

"Okay, I'll get you a house near University B. It will be convenient for you to go to school." Zhou Mochen stopped his smile, leaned over and kissed her face, "Do you have any requirements for the place where you want to live in the future? Decoration. You can mention anything about style.”

Xu Su was a little embarrassed: "But I want to live on campus. I want to fully experience university life. Living on campus is an indispensable option."

"It doesn't affect your living on campus. If you want to live on campus, you can live on campus, but it's more convenient to have an apartment." Zhou Mochen said, "If you want to change your registered residence, you need an apartment in the capital. Do you understand?"

"...Okay." Xu Su had no intention of being polite to him. She just wanted to agree to stay by herself. She blinked and thought for a moment, then said, "The house shouldn't be too big. I want an e-sports room just for playing games. The rest will be fine." Just look at it, I have no objection."

It's better to leave the decoration style to professionals. Zhou Mochen's people can do everything right.

After talking to this point, Xu Su drank the milk, hugged Zhou Mochen and took a few sips before going back to the room full of resentment to wash up and go to bed.

Her boyfriend is becoming more attractive day by day, but he still doesn’t give her food, tsk...

Xu Su was full of disapproval when she thought about her grandmother's words. She didn't think that if something happened to Zhou Mochen, it would be Zhou Mochen who took advantage of her.

It's a pity that this man is extremely principled and will definitely not do it if he says he won't do it. Xu Su can't really force him. It seems like she wants it so much...

All in all, I'm speechless...

The temperature is rising day by day, the numbers on the blackboard at the back of the classroom are changing every day, and the days until the college entrance examination are getting shorter and shorter. Teachers rarely have chicken soup for the soul anymore, and most of them are trying to make the classroom atmosphere relaxed.

Even so, Xu Su heard that there was a student in Class 12 who was overly stressed and broke down emotionally during class. He cried and said that he couldn't learn and couldn't understand what the teacher said. His parents had already taken him home.

The school attaches great importance to this matter. In the past few days, physical education classes have been arranged for all classes in the senior high school.

Rocket Class and Class 1 also had a basketball game. The physical education teacher served as the referee to prevent the students from being bored in the classroom every day and encourage them to move and combine work and rest.

Xu Su had a strong sense of class honor and stood firmly with Qian Jia to cheer for the boys in the class, even if Huang Feng couldn't pull him away.

As the squad leader, Xi Zirong is also a squad leader who is very good at basketball. He goes on the court and charges without hesitation, and every time he shoots, he gets screams.

Even the first and second grade students came to watch. There were people in circles on the basketball court. Xu Su was standing on the innermost floor, shouting and cheering, and his throat was about to smoke. Suddenly, there were a few unknown people standing next to him. The boy pushed a red-faced boy towards her.

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