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The others stood on the front of the boat while staring at the island. I kept my eyes on the water, watching as the sun reflects off it.

Kenji slowly drove us back towards the dock. Securing my bow and arrows, I followed the other as they all walked off and onto the dock. We peered over a crate and screamed as a spike tail swung towards. But, when we realized it was just a Stego, we all calmed down. The Stego groaned and trailed off.

"No Scorpius," Brooklynn said.

"Let's hope it stays that way," I said, eyeing the trail of blood that led back to the forest. Scorpius's blood. That I drew.

"Oh my gosh! Guys!" Sammy yelled. We, minus Kenji, ran over to see what she was looking at, but he stayed behind and covered his face with his hands.

"Kenji! You sissy-lala, get over here!" I yelled.

Kenji whined before trudging over to us to see what we were seeing. A totaled limo leaning against a tree, back bumper in the air and front on the ground.

"Oh no. Darius and Ben," Sammy said quietly.

My eyes trailed to the ground. That's where I found footprints. I crouched down and brushed against the ground. They were fresh as well. "Look," I said, pointing to the prints, "They got away."

We followed the prints to where a bunch of branches were broken.

"Something big came through here. Like, lots of something bigs," Yaz stated.

"Brachiosaurus," I said, standing over a Brachi footprint in the ground.

"So? We're looking for Darius and Ben, remember? That's just dinosaurs doing dinosaur stuff," Kenji explained.

"No, look. They destroyed the trees they like to eat," Sammy pointed out, holding and broken tree branch, "Something spiked 'em real bad."

We all then gasped and huddled together as we heard a roar. I notched an arrow in my bow and stood at the ready.

"I swear if it's the Scorpius Rex..." Kenji grumbled.

We then froze as we heard a small dino cry. I put the arrow back and my bow on my back. The cry sounded like a baby. We all glanced at each other before slowly peeking over a fallen tree. Standing on the other side, was a baby Brachi.

"Aww," we, minus Kenji, cooed.

"Sammy, don't touch..." Kenji trailed off as Sammy walked forward and staring petting it.

"Hi there. I'm not gonna hurt you," Sammy soothed.

"Ok, no one else touch the-" Kenji stopped as the rest of us went to pet it.

"Aw, who's a cute wittle baby. It's you, yes it is," I said in a baby voice as I scratched under the Brachi's chin.

That earned me stares from the others.

"Huh? Chris does have a soft spot," Brooklynn said with a smirk.

I pointed a finger at her. "And if you let this spill, your name will find a special place in my death-book," I said. Brooklynn laughed before petting the Brachi again.

"Guys! In and out, remember?" Kenji asked.

"She's looking for her heard," Sammy pointed out.

"So, what? Why should we care about what happens to the dinosaurs!" Kenji asked.

"Because... because life, it's worth protecting. The Scorpius was never meant to get out. Wu knew that when he froze it," Brooklynn explained.

"Ok, yeah, obvi the Scorpius thing is bad, but it's not our responsibility. Wu and the people who made that freak should've thought of the consequences before they gene-spliced rando lizards together," Kenji explained.

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