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"Are you really here?" Xiao Zhan croaked out; his words barely audible above his thumping heart. He could feel panic rising within him, his blood pumping frantically as he clutched his hands.

"Yes, I am indeed here." The figure replied, tilting its head a little as its sharp red eyes stared directly into Xiao Zhan's crimson ones.

What the freaking hell is happening? How is this possible?!

"...Wei Wuxian." Xiao Zhan uttered the name he had been using for the past year. It felt foreign upon his tongue.  

A wide smile spread across Wei Wuxian's face. "Hello, Xiao Zhan!" He greeted warmly with a wave. "I didn't expect to run into you here."

Me neither!! What's going on?!

The two stared at each other for a brief second, taking in one another's presence. Wei Wuxian's eyes twinkling with curiosity, while Xiao Zhan's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"How are you here?" Xiao Zhan asked, his voice shaky. He felt his heart lurch in his chest as if there were dozens of needles piercing deep into his flesh. This situation was too out of left field.

And please do not say that you are coming back for good... I can't leave. 

Wei Wuxian, on the other hand, looked amused. "Hmm... From the looks of it, it seems to me that we used Empathy at the same time. Which is why you and I are currently sharing the same mindscape at this moment." He answered, "We're both kind of linked after all."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Zhan questioned, still bewildered.

"To put it briefly, I woke up in your place one day." Wei Wuxian told him.

"You mean... You are in my world now??" Xiao Zhan exclaimed. He couldn't help but stare at Wei Wuxian.

"Well, you are also in mine. Why are you so surprised?" Wei Wuxian answered, chuckling.

"Ah... Right." Xiao Zhan murmured to himself. "So, how are we linked again?" he inquired curiously.

"Simple." Wei Wuxian grinned, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, "You are me, and I am you. We are one soul, you see."

"...One soul..." Xiao Zhan muttered incredulously, blinking slowly as he tried to process the new information.

"Yup. That's pretty much right." Wei Wuxian replied matter of factly. "You are my reincarnation." He added.

"Your reincarnation...?" Xiao Zhan repeated softly, not daring to believe his ears. He couldn't help but stared at the other intently. It was like looking into a mirror of himself, except the difference was Wei Wuxian is standing in front of him in his previous form. The modern 21st century version.

"Yep, exactly!" Wei Wuxian confirmed. "But I must say, you really live up to my expectations! You look pretty damn cool with that getup!" He said, leaning forward and resting his chin atop his hands. His bright eyes seemed to sparkle, and his lips curled into an almost catlike grin.

Past life is... real. This feels so weird... I am talking to Wei Wuxian who is also my past self while being in my past self...

Xiao Zhan took a deep breath. His mind still reeling from this bombshell revelation. Not that he never had considered this concept before. But to have the evidence right in front of him? He asked, "So, do you have any idea what happened to us?"

Wei Wuxian cocked his head slightly, rubbing his chin, "Honestly, no. I have yet to understand fully on what actually happened as well."

They stood in silence for a few moments as they contemplated their predicament.

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