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That night brought a storm to Gusu Lan sect. There was no need to say it to anyone outside the sect that, the attack on Cloud Recesses was a declaration of war by Qishan Wen sect against Gusu Lan sect. It was common knowledge throughout the cultivation world by the next morning.

The aftermath of the attack attempt on Cloud Recesses resulted in only one casualty. Qingheng-Jun's. A number of Lan disciples were wounded with variable degrees but none of them had life-threatening injuries. Thanks to Xiao Zhan's design of defensive barriers that caused Wen Xu's troops to be severely decapacitated and weakened. Due to that, Lan sect disciples, with help of Qinghe Nie elite team of warriors, managed to subdue them all. Wen Xu was no match to Nie Mingjue and ultimately died in his hands. And the  most notable of all, he head disciple of Yunmeng Jiang singlehandedly wiped out the back up team under Wen Zhuliu's lead, preventing even bigger catastrophe and killed the Core Melting Hand himself.

At the end of it, Cloud Recesses remained safe and untouched. The entire sect was, however, still on high alert as the Lan disciples cleaned up the mess left behind and the remains of the attackers especially in the area where Xiao Zhan had unleashed his wrath. Nie Mingjue and his subordinates had witnessed this kind of beyond brutal scene once so they were less shocked compared to those Lan disciples when they offered their assistance in cleaning the site. After all, it was the handiwork of their Youngest Master.

Without a doubt, Gusu Lan Sect owed Xiao Zhan gratitude for protecting the sect from certain destruction. Despite that fact, it did not stop the murmurs about what transpired and how unusually ruthless and brutal Wei Wuxian's method was. Some were starting to debate on the nature of his cultivation and how unorthodox it seemed.

Xiao Zhan just ignored the looks directed his way as he stood in one corner of the hall, looking at funeral procession that was going on. He felt like he was floating, detached from reality. There were no tears coming up, just the weighty sense of loss heavy over his shoulder. Qingheng-Jun's voice still ringing in his ears, calling him 'son-in-law'.

Father-in-law... I would've call you that a thousand of times if it means that you can come back alive...

The atmosphere was grim and the mood somber as the entire sect grieved for the passing of their Sect Leader. It was even sadder than the funeral had to be rushed and carried the very next day since they were in a brink of a war. The Twin Jades were mourning the loss of their father who had tried his best to be a better father for the past one year. In fact, he was nothing but a supportive one towards the two of them after he came out of his seclusion. His noble sacrifice would forever be engraved on their hearts.

Xiao Zhan's heart ached at their faces. His fingers clenched unconsciously as he fought the urge to go over and console them. Especially his lover who looked so stricken despite his stoic mask on. But how could he? He had already failed Lan Wangji by failing to save his lover's father from the canonical death. He knew that it happened in the book but yet, he couldn't prevent that from happening.

Why? Why did this happened? Just one second... That was all I need. A second. W hy couldn't I move faster?

With all the questions in his head, he could feel the turbulent emotions bubbling inside him. He took a steadying breath to calm down. He had yet to recover his full control of resentful energy in him so he needed to be careful.

I can't be here. They don't need me here for now anyway.

Not wanting to jeopardize the ceremony, he forced himself to turn away from the gloomy scene and leave the Lan family members to their grieving.

He sat alone on the rock by the waterfall, finally letting his tears flow freely as he listened to the steady ripples of water falling down the rocks. Guilt. Regret. Despair. Anger. All blended together in an indescribable knot that stuck around in his stomach. He could feel those emotions clawing at his insides as his tears spilled faster. He wished he could go back in time and kill Wen Zhuliu the very moment he saw him, so Qingheng Jun would never to sacrifice himself.

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