Shameless Bragging

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After giving out his punishments to the boys, Xiao Zhan switched back to his bright personality. He smiled as he strode in circle, "Great job! Now, let me give you my sincere feedbacks on both of your fighting skills from an objective standpoint."

His hands moved animatedly as he fixed his eyes on the two flabbergasted boys, who both thought that this particular trainer of theirs was not normal in the head, "I must admit you two had improved a lot more compared to when we first started. It was clear to me that you guys had trained extensively and diligently. It seemed that you two let your emotions get into your head, too hasty to jump in headfirst and you both had lack of control of your sword. Your energy was all over the place."

Xiao Zhan paused momentarily and turned to Lan Wangji, with a sweet smile highlighting the alluring features in his face, "Lan Zhan."

"Mn," There was nothing else but fondness in Lan Wangji's eyes as he met Xiao Zhan's gaze. He was pretty used to his mood swings that he just considered it part of his charms.

Xiao Zhan tilted his head to a side, "Please do me a favor and call the rest of the boys here? I am not going to repeat this lecture the second time."

"Right away." With his gentle reply, Lan Wangji then moved out like the Flash.

Listening to lovey-dovey exchange between the couple who were like a pair of fire and ice ancient dragons just a minute ago, Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes heavenward. He couldn't stand his martial brother's sugary tinted voice whenever he talked to his counterpart. Jin Zixuan slightly cringed as well.

Lan Wangji came back to his side just as fast he disappeared. Within a minute, their trainees made their ways towards the center of the battle arena like a flock of sheep being guided by a shepherd. They all sat down as ordered and kept their ears pinned back in anticipation.

Twirling Chen Qing while he gave his lectures had become a habit, but even if he appeared very casual and laidback, his trainees listened to him attentively, "Listen up boys. Since this is still a training session, every moment is an opportunity to learn. Today's battle is a lesson for every one of you. First thing first, when you let your emotions drive you, you will end up doing something reckless and rash. If this is a real battle, it doesn't matter if your skill is top notch or not, once you start acting rashly your chance of succeeding is zero and your chance of making stupid decisions is a hundred percent."

Xiao Zhan paced around while he continued to speak in loud and firm voice, "Now, if you lose your temper, you will end up going heavy with your usage of spiritual energy at the very start and it won't be long until you tire yourself out. A real fight can drag for days and if you're depleted of energy in just five hours, you will be dead meat. If you use too much spiritual energy during the early fight, you'll get exhausted faster and that can only mean one thing, vulnerability. When this happen, you can potentially lose control of your sword and you will not be able to use it effectively."

"In order to have a proper control of your weapon, you need to have a perfect control on redirecting your spiritual energy. When I said perfect control, I mean a dead right precision while maintaining a stable stream. In other word, no wasted energy. Fortunately, we have someone who had fully mastered this to show us." Zhan halted right in front of his partner, and he spoke a little coquettishly, "Lan Zhan, can you demonstrate a one-percent?"

Lan Wangji nodded and held Bichen up at a shoulder height and with the slightest flick of his wrist, the flow of spiritual energy was diverted to the blade, the sharp edges were coated with a bluish tinged white light that steadily burning brightly without dimming.

Pointing with his flute, Xiao Zhan looked at the boys "That, my beloved trainees, is the example of a perfect control of your energy flow. Just the right amount, no more, no less. Now, this is one percent of his entire spiritual energy amounted to. That's a tiny amount that would get replenish as fast as it burns. This is only possible because of two things, composure and focus. Keeping calm and level-headed allows you to focus on your energy flow and keep a steady hand."

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