How to win your Father-in-law's heart with algebra

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Xiao Zhan looked back up at the man whose eyes were fixated on him. He felt like he needed to apologize or something, but no words came out. This situation seemed unreal.

Why is he here?

This man was the current sect leader for Gusu Lan and was supposed to be in his seclusion. Right now, he was standing in front of Xiao Zhan. He was once a famous cultivator of his generation for his cultivation skills at such young age. A romantic who chose to separate himself from the society for penance of marrying his wife. A father who had never been a father to his own children.

Xiao Zhan didn't know how to feel about the man in front of him. All he knew was, he was supposed to be a parent to both Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen. He took a glance at Lan Wangji, studying his emotions for a brief moment. He could see clearly how unsettled Lan Wangji was at his father's sudden appearance, but he seemed to be holding it together. He obviously had a hard time digesting the fact that his father just came out his seclusion and revealed himself to the world in broad daylight. Despite being mad at Lan Wangji, Xiao Zhan couldn't help but to sympathize with his miserable childhood.

This cultivation world has terrible parenting conducts. The adults here suck. They all should be ashamed of themselves. It is unfair for any child to have a father who is fully capable to raise his children himself but yet chose to abandon his paternal duties as self-punishment. All in the name of righteousness. Righteousness, my ass. This is so messed up! Wait, this is not the time to lecture someone of their bad parenting choices. I need to focus. He is still Lan Zhan's father which means, I can't afford to be rude. Not now.

Xiao Zhan shook those thoughts off and regained his composure. He clasped his hands together and bowed politely, "I apologize for my insolence, Sect Leader Lan. I didn't know that you would be here."

Qingheng-Jun's gaze was soft as he watched Xiao Zhan, he spoke with a smile still gracing his lips, "That's quite alright, young man. It was my mistake to startle you when you were concentrating on your formation. May I know your name?"

"My name is Wei Wuxian from Yunmeng Jiang, Sect Leader Lan." Xiao Zhan bowed again.

"Oh, you must be the Young Master Wei that Qiren told me about." Qingheng-Jun responded. He studied Xiao Zhan for a while before saying, "You have a lot of potential, Young Master Wei, judging by this formation. What kind of array is this?"

"This is just an experimental array for protective barrier." Xiao Zhan scratched the back of his head bashfully, "I don't want to bring an untested idea to the formal discussion tomorrow, hence, a test run."

"It will do fine, I assure you. Are these modifications completed yet?" he asked, gesturing to the array.

Xiao Zhan paused for a bit, thinking if there was any element that he still missing. He looked back carefully at the layers of complicated arrays he built up. So far, there was no other elements that he wanted to alter, so he answered, "Yes, for now it is."

Sect Leader Lan walked back towards the array. He looked at the array and observed carefully every little detail. He then turned around, facing Xiao Zhan, "Well then, I'm sure you can explain the structure and composition later in the formal discussion."

Xiao Zhan bowed respectfully, "Yes Sect Leader Lan."

Lan Qiren and Lan Xichen made their way to the center hastily after dispersing the crowds.

Lan Xichen approached his father with a calm smile on his face. "Father, I am happy that you decided to grace us with your presence today."

Lan Qiren greeted his elder brother, "Brother, what brings you out of seclusion?"

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