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Time flew by, and soon enough, a month had passed since the pair returned to Gusu. What had changed in that month?

For starters, Xiao Zhan was no longer a guest disciple at Gusu Lan sect. Instead, he was busy with his role as a guest trainer slash instructor at the Cloud Recesses training ground, together with Lan Wangji. When Lan Xichen persistently insisted on this appointment, Lan Qiren was reluctant to approve at first, but he and the rest of the elders could not ignore the undeniably impressive results from that one week of training that the pair previously conducted. Moreover, as soon as the duo took over the evening sessions out of his busy schedules, he felt like his burden was instantly lifted up. After a few years of endless teaching, he finally got to relax for a while and had time to properly focus more on management of the Lan's household. With that newly acquired personal time, he was more than glad to hand over half of the day to the duo.

Xiao Zhan on the other hand, was true to his words. A level up meant a level up. He trained the disciples without mercy and Lan Wangji went along with him, matching his antics. As a result, the young couple became the most 'cursed at' pair in the entire world of cultivation due to their ruthlessness, they were even given a nickname of 'the Yin and Yang demons'. Nonetheless, that did not matter to the duo, all they cared about was making the best out of their trainees.

At the same time, despite their curses, each disciple who trained under them would still showed up the next day regardless how badly they were kicked around the previous day. They did not care if they had bruises or black eyes, they just wanted to improve themselves. To do so, they needed to push their limits and work harder than before and the brutal regimen offered just that. No matter how much they hurled their cussing, deep down in their hearts, they were still grateful. Albeit, their thankfulness never slipped outside their mouth because their lips were always busy with screaming, crying, scolding et cetera. With that being said, the cold spring became a hot location and it was always occupied by the end of the day.

The rule on excessive noise was constantly challenged during the training session but Lan Qiren could not complain about it. After all, the disciples' cultivation levels were improving at a steady pace every day and no one dared to question its effectiveness anymore. Although, Lan Qiren would still occasionally said something about the crude languages that Xiao Zhan used when he was deeply engrossed in his drill sergeant mode. His yells would echo throughout Cloud Recesses and it was hard to ignore. Of course, Xiao Zhan would apologize with sincere look on his face whenever he was reprimanded by the Old Man Lan, but the next day he would forget about it. After a few times being nagged by the Elder, Xiao Zhan eventually found a way to solve the issue. He designed an array which formed a dome of force field that was big enough to cover the entire training ground and made the whole venue sound proof. Since then, Lan Qiren was pacified and said nothing else. But for the disciples, the force field existence caused another level up since Xiao Zhan had no more reason to hold back on increasing the intensity.

Two, the both of them had developed a habit to meet up at the waterfall at dawn. They would spend their time either playing their instruments together or just simply snuggled into each other's warmth. Just like a pair of teenagers in their budding romance, they would have a kiss or two or three or more, before they returned back to the population when the sun rose high enough. Afterwards, Xiao Zhan would whip out a quick and easy healthy breakfast ideas that only took him less than fifteen minutes to prepare and the two would eat together. Sometimes Lan Xichen would join them and often ended up clearing the table with pink cheeks. After the morning meals, Xiao Zhan would often be left on his own accord to do his own researches at the Pavilion library or carry out experiments at the empty training ground like a mad scientist. Meanwhile, Lan Wangji would be busy with whatever Gusu Lan related tasks that was handed over to him. They would only meet up again to orchestrate their hellish regimen.

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