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The sound of the birds tweeting their peaceful songs drifted through the air as Lan Wangji led Xiao Zhan back to the main road. His hand curled protectively around Xiao Zhan's slender waist as they walked down the path that meandered between the thick trees of the forest. Now that they had crossed the point of no return, he couldn't help feeling possessive towards the man he loved so deeply and passionately. He had promised Xiao Zhan that they would only discuss about taking the next step of their relationship when the war was over, and the world wasn't at stake. The need to put all thoughts into their goals was paramount at this moment, and yet he could not stop himself from yearning for more time with Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan's hair was falling loosely over his shoulder as they walked together, the soft red ribbon swaying gently in the wind. He took a deep breath as the air filled his lungs, savoring the warm feeling in his chest before he turned toward Lan Wangji and smiled up at him.

"Let's just get this done so we can have our happily ever after," His voice sounded soft as honey in the sunlight, and it echoed throughout the woods.

"Mn." Lan Wangji nodded in agreement and then tightened his grip on Xiao Zhan as they stepped past the last tree line before heading directly toward the entrance to the Impure Realm.

The good news was, they were still thirty minutes ahead of Nie Mingjue and his subordinates. The bad news was, they still got some work to do in the Qinghe Nie Sect and things would only be more hectic after this. Which means, they would not have much time to spare in the nearest future to be able to spend quality alone time together.

They didn't waste time and went straight to see Sect leader Nie in his official chamber and report on the event that transpired in the village and the rest of the aftermath.

Xiao Zhan sighed softly before speaking a whole lot of explanation with a little toning down and glossing over certain points that he deemed unnecessary, or anything related to his demonic cultivation.

When the report came to an end, Sect Leader Nie looked very perturbed and rubbed his forehead without uttering a single word. Finally, he cleared his throat and spoke up, his tone was distraught, "That was very unfortunate. If only I hadn't allowed those disciples from that Laoling Qin clan to do their night hunting here, then none of this could have happened."

"It's hardly your fault, Sect Leader Nie," Xiao Zhan stated, "No one could've predicted that to happen."

"Yes, but I should have more alert on such matters and deal with the beasts sooner. That was my negligence and due to that, innocent lives were lost." The elder lamented.

"You couldn't have known what they would do," Xiao Zhan said with a bitter look on his face, "We can only move forward and try to make sure it doesn't happen again."

"You are right, Young Master Wei." Sect Leader Nie smiled weakly, "By the way, where is Mingjue? Isn't he with you two?"

"I'm here, Father." Nie Mingjue suddenly spoke up, stepping through the entrance of the chamber. His gaze flitted between the pair and sect leader Nie, as he spoke, "I'm sorry I'm late. I assume these two brats had briefed you already about the events that occurred."

"You're not late Chifeng-Jun. We're simply early." Xiao Zhan remarked with a small smile.

Nie Mingjue rolled his eyes slightly, "Right. You two were too fast for us to even catch up."

"And you were too slow for us." Lan Wangji corrected him.

What is going on with these two?

Xiao Zhan could almost see electricity crackling in the air as they stared daggers into each other's eyes. It took a great effort for Xiao Zhan not to chuckle and broke the tension by telling Lan Wangji to stand down. As usual Lan Wangji obliged to his lover's request.

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