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The sun hung high in the sky, burning hotly, and Xiao Zhan squinted against the glare, shielding his eyes with his arm. A lot had happened in the last twenty-four hours. It was midday, and he didn't get much sleep due to the terrible nightmare plus what happened after that. The memory of last night flashed in his mind and his face turned beet red. He fanned himself to calm down.

Lan Wangji shifted closer to Xiao Zhan's side. "Wei Ying, are you alright?"

Not again.

"I'm fine." Xiao Zhan replied curtly before turning to look his lover in the eye and said pleadingly, "Now, please stop asking me every 5 minutes."

"You look flushed." Lan Wangji pointed out the obvious.

No shit, Lan Zhan!

"It's a hot day." Xiao Zhan gestured at the innocent sun.

Lan Wangji brushed off his snappish answer, his gaze still trained on Xiao Zhan, "Are you sure you're okay?"

You asked me that like a hundred times already! It's no longer cute.

"Lan Zhan, I swear to God, if you ask me if I am okay one more time, I will really kick you." Xiao Zhan grumbled grumpily.

"Alright. I'll stop." Lan Wangji's voice was soft but there is a hint of amusement in it, lips curved upwards faintly. "I'm just worried about you."

"Shit." Xiao Zhan cursed under his breath as he distractedly took a wrong step and stumbled slightly over a root of a tree. He regained his footing almost instantly but that did not stop Lan Wangji from wrapping an arm around his waist to ensure that the man stayed upright.

"Wei Ying, do you want me to carry you?" Lan Wangji asked gently.

"What?!" Xiao Zhan rejected in an instance, his ears turning red. "No!"


"Nope! No way!" Xiao Zhan quickly cut him off and shuffled away.

Lan Wangji grabbed onto Xiao Zhan's wrist before he could move away further, "Wei Ying, stay close to me."

With a resigned sigh, Xiao Zhan whispered, "You're being ridiculous. Please let go of my hand."

"..." Lan Wangji pretended like he did not hear that and continued walking with an iron grip on the slender wrist, leaving Xiao Zhan no choice but to follow along his strides.

"Lan Zhan?!"


"Are you ignoring me?"


"Second Young Master Lan."

"..." Lan Wangji squeezed his wrist slightly as a warning.

Xiao Zhan scowled, "Come on. Don't be stubborn. Let go now."

"No." Lan Wangji said firmly, ignoring the pout he knew was plastered across his boyfriend's face.

"Seriously?" Xiao Zhan exclaimed and threw his head back and groaned loudly.


Knowing that Lan Wangji would not budge, Xiao Zhan eventually gave up on trying to talk some sense into the hard-headed lover of his. "Fine! Fine! Do as you please."

At his declaration of defeat, Lan Wangji's face brightened considerably, and the corners of his lips turned up into a tiny smile that made Xiao Zhan's heart skip a beat.

Damn it. Is there a vaccine against that smile? I need immunity against it, or I'll end up waving white flags each and every time.

Noticing Xiao Zhan's body temperature slight warmer than usual, he offered kindly, "Want some water? "

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