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Xiao Zhan faced Wen Zhuliu who stood before him with a stern look on his face, his hand was on the hilt of his sword that hung by his hip and his stance changed into one of combat ready. "I have no desire to fight you, but I will if I must," he said calmly but one could easily perceive his words as a warning.

"Wei Wuxian, why don't we stop this here?" Wen Zhuliu spoke in a low tone after weighing in the pros and cons of going against the teenager who held no signs of fear while facing him.

"Hmm?" Xiao Zhan glanced up at Wen Zhuliu, "Why don't you ask your master to stop being childish instead?"

Wen Chao let out a sharp cry in annoyance, "Zhuliu! You should be teaching that son of a bitch a lesson now instead of talking! What the fu-"

Before he could finish, he suddenly felt like his mouth were sealed shut by a thick layer of cotton and he couldn't speak anymore, and to add to the disgrace, he found himself frozen in spot like a statue. The only movement that his body was capable of making was shivering violently with his eyes wide open. 

Lan Wangji glared at Wen Chao with a dark expression and a threatening aura radiating off of him. He had enough of this spoilt brat's nonsense who tried to humiliate his lover in front of him. Not only he used silence spell, he even casted stop motion spell at the same time. "The silence spell will be lifted in an incense stick time, Second Young Master Wen."

Lan Zhan must be really pissed enough to do double casting. 

His tone conveyed an icy coldness and a hint of ire as he addressed Wen Zhuliu. "If you don't back off, I won't hesitate to take drastic measures against you."

The other Wen disciples who had gathered around them, watching everything unfold, flinched in response to what could only be perceived as murder intent from the usually mild mannered and collected Lan Wangji.

"Lan Wangji, you! Release the spell!" One of the Wen disciples yelled. He too was shaken but held onto his sense of decorum better than most of his peers. He was Wen Chao's loyal lackey after all. "How dare you do that to our Young Ma-"

And just like that, another one fell victim to Lan Wangji's silence spell who did not even bother to spare the person a glance.

Wen Zhuliu frowned in disapproval at how things slowly turning out. It didn't help that this young cultivator's spell was proven too strong that even he wasn't able to break it when he tried to dispel it. He implored, "Second Young Master Lan, please release the spell."

Lan Wangji didn't react or budge an inch at as he had no intention to do just that. He didn't want to listen to more of Wen Chao's screeching voice. Meanwhile, Xiao Zhan next to him simply continued to stare at Wen Chao who looked very much like a deer caught in headlights at the moment.

How annoying! This fucking idiot is the root cause of every bad thing that happened in the book. Should I just finish him off? That would solve a lot of things! The massacre would never happen if he's gone. Thousands of lives would be saved. If only this Wen Zhuliu is not here.

There was an intensity to his gaze, a burning light behind his eyes which did not fit his usual solemn countenance. In fact, it was difficult to maintain composure as his emotions ran wild in his head and his core felt agitated in such a way. The sensation of power coursing through him made him feel tingling as if his whole body was burning that it was almost painful. And it was becoming more difficult to suppress the urge to attack someone which made him uneasy to the point where he felt like he needed to tear apart someone to relieve some of his stress. He wanted so badly to rip Wen Chao apart right then and there. To tear him to shreds and to see blood spilling freely in rivers around him, a satisfying crimson red color coating both his hands. The resentful energy started to accumulate in his fingertips as he subconsciously harnessed it.

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