Internal Screaming

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"Go away. Let me sleep." The shaking on Xiao Zhan's shoulder got even rougher.

I swear to God I would slap whoever it is. Stop shaking! What a mannerless......Wait. I live alone. I am positive I sleep alone last night. Who is it with me? Should I open my eyes? What if it's a ghost?

Xiao Zhan shut his eyes tighter, just in case. His heart started to race as he might be encountering a real paranormal activity right now. He overlapped his feet, tensing them tight because if he left them separated, one of his feet might get grabbed. Like that movie.

Shit! The ghost might leave if I don't open my eyes, right?

"Wei Wuxian!"

Whose voice is this? Why are they calling that name? God damn all, whatever.

He peeked through the smallest slit of his eyelids. He saw a figure wearing purple attire. Since it wasn't a dirty white or stained with blood or red, he slowly opened both his eyes.

Xiao Zhan, "Zhuo Cheng? Why are you in this costume? Is this a prank show?"

Eh, hold on! I never gave my address to Zhuo Cheng though. Why is he in my house? How did he get the key?

He took a good look at his surroundings while massaging his sore lower back. The wooden bed was too hard, and the mattress was not as fluffy as his orthopedic mattress.

This place does not look like my bedroom. It's like ancient spa place. My back hurts!

"What? Zhuo Cheng? You really had become more idiotic. Perhaps it was too late, you have permanent brain damage. You even changed my surname to other family name! Why do I have to take care of this fool! Wake up! That old man Lan would surely punish you again if you are late!" Jiang Cheng yanked the blanket as he nagged.

Xiao Zhan's memory of yesterday event came crashing. He gasped and quickly squeezed his eyes shut. He pulled the blanket back his head as he shrunk into a fetal position.

Oh God, I regret opening my eyes. Please let me rewind back the time by 5 seconds. No. Please rewind to at least 48 hours!

Jiang Cheng was about to explode with rage, he snatched the duvet and threw it on the ground. His voice echoed as he yelled, "Are you kidding me?! Wei Wuxian!"

Chills racing across Xiao Zhan's skin. He might not see a vengeful spirit, but a hysterical screaming escaped from his lips, "AHHHHHHHHHH!"

What in God's name is happening? Is this hell? Did I die? What's happening?

No matter how many times Xiao Zhan opened or closed his eyes, it was still the same place. Coupled with his singer lung capacity and wide vocal ranges, another scream rocked the entire dorm.

This place. Gusu. Cloud Recess. Why am I still here? It wasn't inception?

Jiang Cheng's face was flushed with anger for his presence was getting ignored. He was sure the entire Gusu Lan sect had heard his martial brother insane outbursts. His body was quivering in fury as he shouted, "Suit yourself! I don't care anymore! You should get more punishments! I will personally make sure you get twice as much!". He stormed out the room and he didn't close the door.

You little disrespectful shit.

Xiao Zhan slowly sat up and buried his head in his hands. After a few rounds of deep breathing exercises, he pinched his thigh. He yelped in pain. Still in denial, he slapped his face multiple times to just for a good measure. His cheeks flashed with the color of bright rouge. His throat felt like it was tightening. Anxious and confused, he started to hyperventilate.

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