Chapter:38 {He texted me}

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Sabrina's POV

I walked off into the living room and slammed the bathroom door behind me. The tears started pouring out. I missed my Bradley and it had only been a few hours.


But that didn't help, the tears kept coming down, down, down.

I grabbed my phone out from my pocket and called Bradley.

(It's pointless to tell you the italics aren't working lol)

Calling Bradley😍

"Hello?" Asked Bradley.

"Hey Bradley!" I said calming down a bit.

"Are you crying?" Asked Bradley.

I couldn't let him know I was crying, it would only make him feel bad.

"Haha. No!" I said lying.

"Oh okay. Well actually I'm glad you called I'm not on the plane for another 2 hours, but we need to talk." Said Bradley.

"Sure about what?" I said.

I could listen to Bradley's voice all day.

"Before I say anything I love you honey." Said Bradley.

"I love you too." I said.

"Okay well..." Said Bradley.

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