Chapter:35 {Sleepover}

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Rowan's POV

We all walked home... Well walked to Sabrina and Sarah's house... And Sabrina was sad the whole way there.

"Sabrina you can text him and call him and FaceTime!" I said.

"I know but I'm going to miss his kisses and his hugs." Said Sabrina sadly.

"Oh Sabrina." Said Sarah.

"What?" Asked Sarina.

"Tough up! It's just a few months! It's summer now! We need to PARTY!!!" Said Sarah laughing.

"But..." Said Sabrina.

"No! Sleepover tonight! We won't talk about boys... Just girly things!" Said Sarah.

"I know but I miss"

"Nope!" Said Sarah cutting off Sabrina.

"Come on Sabrina!" I said.

"Fine but I'm still going to miss..."

"No!" Said Sarah cutting off Sabrina.

"Sarah stop!" Said Sabrina.

"I'm just trying to help." Said Sarah.

"Well your not! I'm aloud to be sad about my boyfriend not being here for a couple hours even a few days!" Said Sabrina.

"Sorry." Said Sarah.

"Sabrina it's not a

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