Chapter:2{After the dance}

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Sabrina's POV

After the dance my sister went on stage and gave a big speech about how happy and amazing tonight was.

"Well looks like this magical night is over." Said Bradley

"Ugh guess so." I said smiling.

"Well Sabrina you've been amazing tonight." He said laughing awkwardly.

"Tell me something I don't know." I said smiling.

"I bet you don't know that..." He said, but was rudely interpreted by a few boys.

"Yo man sleepover my place?" Said one of them.

"Actually can't have to be some where in the morning." He said... "Anyway so Sabrina I was saying." This time I interpreted him.

"Hey it's fine, I'll get going. See you around maybe?" I said smiling.

"No Sabrina I'm sorry hold on." He said but I was already catching up to Rowan and her family.

Bradley's POV

Was it something I said? Did I do anything wrong? Did she feel uncomfortable about us dancing? Gosh stupid me why did I have to fall in love with someone who was 3 years younger then me! I watched Sabrina as she left she was so pretty!

Later that night I texted Sarah.


Hey you awake?

Yea why?

Well I have a question.

Hit me.

If you started to like someone who was three years younger then you what would you do?


Depends on what?

On the person.

Like how?

Well me personally?

Yea just what would you do?

I would wait for about maybe a few months, get to know the person really good then I would see if I liked them enough to date them and if I did I would. Why do you ask?

No reason. Am I still coming to your house on Sunday for the project?

Yea tots!


Okay cool.



Sabrina's POV

It was Sunday I woke up at 7:45 AM. Everyone in my family was already up. Rowan had spent the night and she was still sound asleep her family is kinda lazy my family is the family that's always awake before 8:30AM.

I walked down the hallway and saw my sister dressed up, and ready to go somewhere.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"No where Bradley is coming over in 15 minutes to work on our project." She said smiling.

"What?! Brad is going to be here." I said.

"yea.... Brad." She said.

"Oh my gosh!" I said running into my room.

I slammed a pillow on Rowan's face.

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