Chapter:19 {Breaking up}

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Sabrina's Point Of View

It had been a few days since the sleepover. I still couldn't get over the fact that my sister likes my boyfriend. I know it may not be that big of a deal but I was starting to get super uncomfortable around Bradley. It's not that I didn't like him because I did! It was because well my sister, now that I knew she liked Bradley I was able to see her in a way I wasn't before like the way her eyes got full of water when she would look at him kiss me, I didn't even kiss him back fully because I didn't want to make my sister jealous.

"Bradley we need to talk alone." I said quietly.

"Okay." Said Bradley.

We walked down the school halls and sat on a bench. It was a brown wooden bench that is very old.

"Bradley I love you." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too." He said smiling.

"That's why when I tell you this I need you to do nothing but listen." I said standing up.

"Okay." He said.

"Look, this has been an amazing few weeks and I just..." I said. Oh god the tears were coming.

"I can't do this anymore." I said.

Bradley's eyes shot up as he jumped off the bench.

"What?" He said.

"Bradley... I'm so sorry please I really like you this is hard for me too, it's just..." I said.

"Sabrina don't do this." Said Bradley grabbing my hand.

I pulled away.

"Bradley." I said.

"If that's what you want then fine!" Said Bradley.

"Bradley don't be mad." I said.

"I won't if you tell me what your breaking up with me for!" Bradley shot back.

"I can't." I said.

"Whatever!" Said Bradley marching off.

"I love you." I whispered as he walked off.

Then I walked over to the bench and sat down.

"3 years." I said laughing to myself.

"Hey Sabrina." Said Peyton.

"Peyton?" I said in shock.

"What?" He said sitting next to me.

"Go." I said.

"Sabrina please don't do this." Said Peyton.

"Don't do what." I said.

"I love you." He replied.

"What about Rowan?!" I said.

"Rowan is beautiful, but you and I..." Said Peyton leaning in.

"Peyton please." I said pushing him off.

Why did he look so cute? God I really want to kiss him. But I can't! Wait what am I thinking? Rowan! Rowan! Rowan!

Then he leaned in.

And me? I didn't push back, I stayed.

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