Getting Better

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(A.N: Hey guys, I just wanted to say a few things... I wanted to say that in the begging of this book I felt like super confident and thought it was amazing, but a couple of my friends have pointed out some stuff I'm not... Hmmm... This is hard to explain. Basically I feel like this book isn't that good because I get lazy sometimes when I'm writing it. I just wanted to say that I am going to take this seriously, like writing, and correcting my work. So yea, I guess I'm sorta starting over and trying again, not making a whole new book, but I'm going to make chapter 17 and in this chapter I will try to advance my writing... So that way when your reading it you feel like this is an actual book published by an actual author and not made by a random girl who ships Sadley and decided to spend her days writing a book of it. ).

P.S this is super lame but I even got a little book to write my ideas for my book and chapters in it, and any ideas I may have.

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