Chapter:13 {Why wouldnt you tell me?}

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(A.N: Sorry the last chapter was short:/// I will make this one longer but first of all look at the photo! It's wall stickers of girl meets world, I totally need that on my wall OMG!💗)

Rowan's POV

It's not that I was mad at Sabrina, okay I am a little mad, I'm just mostly hurt! I'm hurt that she didn't tell me. Like my boyfriend is the one who now has to wear a cast around his ankle! I mean me and Sabrina are best friends we tell each other everything! Like wether it's big or small, stupid or important! We tell each other everything! That's what best friends do! And Bradley's brother making Peyton fall is kinda a big deal and she didn't tell me! Ugh I don't know am I over reacting?

Sabrina's POV

After Disneyland Bradley's mom picked us up. On the whole ride Bradley and I held hands. I couldn't stop thinking of the way our lips met. The way he grabbed my hands and pulled me close. The way that.... Oh my gosh! I had my first kiss! Like just letting that sink in! I had my first kiss at Disneyland during the fireworks finale!

I woke up and tried texting Rowan but she wasn't answering. She was probably still over reacting about me not telling her.

I went in to Sarah's room.

"Hey." I said.

"What's up! How was Disney?" She asked.

I waited a few minutes to answer.

"He kissed me!" I said running in. Sarah jumped out of her computer seat and shut her bedroom door.

"Sabrina! Bradley kissed you!?" She asked.

"Yea! He grabbed my hands and pulled me close, I turned my head and looked at him, then he leaned in and kissed me!" I said.

"B! Your first kiss was at Disneyland! During the fireworks! That's so romantic!" Said Sarah.

"I know." I said.

"Dude are you going to tell mom and dad?" Asked Sarah.

"I think not." I said laughing.

"Yea." Said Sarah.

"Ahhh Sarah!!" I said.

"I know! Where's Rowan!?" Said Sarah.

"We are in a "fight" I guess" I said.

"About what?" Asked Sarah.

"Well..." I said sitting on her blue heart beanbag.

"She's all mad because I didn't tell her that Bradley's little brother pushed Peyton, because I guess well Peyton called her at like 1AM from the hospital and updated her on everything and said that the boy who pushed him was Peyton's brother and when I explained to her that I already knew that, she got all mad and was like why didn't you tell me! She's being super immature." I said.

"Well you should've gave her a text or something." Said Sarah.

"Are you serious? I don't have to tell Rowan everything that's happening in my life! I need some space to." I said.

"Well I know, but this sorta involved her. Like she was probably wondering who that person was that pushed Peyton then when she found out it was Bradley's brother she probably was super excited to tell you. Then she found out that you already knew and was probably upset." Said Sarah.

"I wouldn't be." I said.

"I bet you would." Said Sarah.

"Sarah your suppose to be on my side!" I said.

"Well I am, I mean I'm not on a side." Said Sarah.

"Yea but your defending Rowan pretty good." I said.

"Well Rowan has a reason." She said.

"See Rowan's side!" I said.

"No! No body's side!" Said Sarah.

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