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Sabrina's POV

Don't get me wrong! I'm happy Bradley and I are together again, as he does mean the world to me but something was wrong... We weren't as weird and happy as we once were. Did I ruin our relationship by breaking up with him? Would we never be the same? The thoughts ran through my head as I lay there on my bed.

(Why don't the italics work?! Ugh kill me!)

"Come on in." I said sitting up.

"Hey lil sissy." Said Sarah.

"Hey." I mumbled.

"What's wrong?" Asked Sarah.

"Well it's super awkward between Bradley and I." I said sadly.

"Well obviously." Said Sarah.

"What? This is normal?" I asked.

"Uhh yea! Dude you guys just got together again... Give it a few weeks or a month and you guys will be crazy in love!" Said Sarah pulling me into a hug.

"Sarah I don't want to wait a few weeks or even a month! I want us to be normal and crazy in love NOW!!!" I said sadly.

"Well Sabrina call him up and talk to him." Said Sarah.

"I guess." I said grabbing my phone.

"Hello? Bradley?" I said.

"Uhh hi Sabrina... Can't really talk right now." Said Bradley.

"Oh okay well can you text?" I asked.

"Busy... Sorry." He said.

"Oh okay well call me soon it's important." I said.

"Bradley." Said a girl in the background of his phone.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Nobody love you bye!" Said Bradley quickly hanging up the phone.

"Bradley?!" I said as he hung up.

Who was that? And why was Bradley acting all weird?

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