Chapter:18 {The ship has sailed}

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The ship has sailed and Rowan isn't on it.

Sabrina's POV

I walked into Sarah's room. Rowan was crying with blankets and pillows everywhere.

"Rowan." I said. Right away I dropped everything on the floor and ran to Rowan.

"Sabrina... I'm so... So... So... Sorry I don't know why I said we need a break your my sister! I love you! Peyton was right you are amazing, and talented, and pretty." Said Rowan crying.

"Rowan... It's fine... You didn't mean it... Just calm down." I said patting her back.

"Peyton likes you." She said.

"What?" I said.

Then she explained how Peyton got mad at her. She said how uncomfortable it made her.

"Oh Rowan I'm so sorry. I mean he did kiss me other day but I didn't think he meant it, I thought it was like a friend kiss you know what I mean." I said.

"Oh Sabrina your so pretty." Said Rowan.

"Come on Rowan lets go to my room and we can play games! Like confessions! I know you love playing that." I said.

"Okay." Said Rowan standing up.

Rowan's POV

"Okay I'll start." Said Sabrina.

"I confess that Bradley and I kissed again today." She said smiling.

"Omg no way!" I said happy for Sabrina.

"Yea!" She said laughing.

"Okay now Sarah!" Said Sabrina.

"I'm still thinking... Rowan you go." She said.

"I still and always will love Peyton." I said.

"Rowan I'm sure he loves you, come on a good confession." Said Sabrina.

"Okay. At first I thought Bradley was a total jerk and it was only until a few weeks ago when I actually was fully supportive of your boyfriend." I said.

"Seriously?" Said Sabrina.

"Yep." I said.

"Well I'm happy your fully supportive now!" Said Sabrina pulling me into a hug.

"Yea me to." I said.

Sarah's POV

I had a big confession. But the thing is, I didn't know if this was the time, place, day, or even way to say my confession.

"Come on Sarah!" Said Rowan.

I looked at Rowan and thought about how clueless she is sometimes and how little and clumsy she is. Rowan is like my baby sister. She's crazy and weird sometimes but sometimes she truly surprises me. She's very intelligent, pretty, and amazing.

"My confession is I like Bradley." I said.

For a few minutes it was just dead silence.

"What?" Said Rowan.

"" I said stoping.

"Your kidding?" Said Sabrina.

Her eyes were wide open. (A.N did you get that?😂)
Ugh. This is so hard.

"Yes. Sabrina I do like him. But I've kept it to myself." I said quietly.

"Oh..." Said Sabrina.

"Sabrina." I said.

"It's fine." Said Sabrina.

But by the way her face looked confused and lost I knew she wasn't okay with me liking her boyfriend. But it wasn't like I could help it, I knew Bradley before her. Bradley is my age! I've liked Bradley. But he's with Sabrina and I except that it's just sometimes it's hard because the boy you like is with someone else.

(A.N: Okay guys! Well that was chapter 18! Woohoo! I'm going to try to get 19 up by tomorrow so keep a look out and also if I don't I'm sorry... Here's a random question for you guys, you don't have to answer but I would love it if you did:
Are you guys in any plays? Because if you were did you guys get nervous during your plays? Because tonight is opening night for me and I'm like totally bugging. Haha.)

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