Chapter:30 {Before the dance}

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Sabrina's POV

I walked home with Sarah that day after school. In my mind I couldn't decide if I should tell her all the drama between Bradley, Penny, Peyton, and I... Or if I shouldn't.

I finally decided not to because we started talking about other stuff.

"Were here!" Said Sarah unlocking the door.

"Good! I want to go in my room and just go to bed!" I said playfully.

"Sabrina!" Said Rowan running in from the kitchen.

"Rowan?!" I said shocked.

"She has a key...remember?" Said Sarah laughing.

"Oh yea." I said.

"Look Sabrina...Sarah I need your help.... Peyton and I had been planning to go to the dance together but since we're broken up we aren't anymore! And we'll I may have told him I had a boyfriend even though I don't and he said he had a girlfriend even though he doesn't! I need a boyfriend and fast!" Said Rowan.

"Wow Rowan! How are we going to help you get a boyfriend!?" Asked Sarah.

"I don't know! But all I know is I need one we're all going on a double date to the dance!!!" Said Rowan.

"Hmmm... Maybe Dennis!" I said.

"Ew!" Said Rowan in complete disgust.

"Well..." Said Sabrina.

"Sabrina the dance is tomorrow!" Said Rowan.

"We'll figure something out." I said.

(A/N: Okay short chapter but the next chapter will be long because it's going to be at the dance! Oh yea!)

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