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Sabrina's POV

"Hey... Can I come in?" Said Sarah knocking.

Rowan had left right after the game.

"Sure." I said.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Nothing it's just... I was being a total jerk over text to Bradley and I think we just broke up." I said sadly.

"Okay well
A.) you didn't break up with him, just cause you got in a little debate with him its fine!
B.) what was it even about?" Said Sarah.

"Sarah it was all my fault. I was being the jerk. I don't know why I did it. Have you ever just said something super mean and then you can't back out. I don't know... That's sorta what happened. Look." I said to Sarah passing over my phone.

"Well Sabrina I can see your point of view!" She said.

"You think I'm right?" I said.

"Well sorta, I think you could've told him that stuff a little nicer. But your clearly standing up for Peyton. He got pushed, and fell, God knows what happened to him, and now that you found out that it was Bradley's Brother your saying what you would've said to number 12, (his younger brother) if that was even his number." Said Sarah pulling me into a hug.

"Sarah, it was my fault though." I said sadly.

"Talk to him. Sabrina look I know this is your first boyfriend, and it's going to be hard. But Bradley really likes you, and he won't be a amature at this... Just call him and tell him how you feel. Yes do I agree your little "fight" was stupid? Yes. But not stupid enough to tear you too apart." Said Sarah.

"Sarah, your so wise." I said laughing.

"Only when I choose." She said standing up, "good luck." She said.

Calling Bradley💗


Hi Sabrina.

I'm super sorry. About our fight! It's all my fault.

Oh Sabrina that wasn't a fight, it was just you being a girlfriend.


That's what girls do sometimes, they get super emotional, they get mean, they say stuff they don't mean, then when they realize what they're saying is mean they know it's too late to go back.

Bradley... I... Your my first boyfriend, and I really like you, but I'm 13, I don't know anything about dating! I just started living in this teen world, and so far it's been great. But I'm scared, I'm scared for all the broken hearts, and all the high hopes, when you have hopes they fall. And I don't want my hopes to fall, I don't want us to fall.

B, are you saying I'm one of your hopes?

Yes. I really really really like you, your funny, crazy, stupid, handsome, dressed nicely, smart, and amazing! I could go on the list continues! Any girl is lucky to have you, and I'm that lucky girl that has you right now! And I can't loose you, it's funny because we've only been dating for 2 weeks now and I already know how much I like you. It obviously not love because love takes a while to happen but it's some type of love, it's like the teen love, the love that comes before marriage.

Sabrina I really like you too. I like everything about you! And I don't want to loose you too.
Sabrina lets go to Disney Tomorrow!

We can't. What about Peyton and Rowan.

Just us! It will be our date.

Okay I guess.

Great! I'll pick you up at 10AM!



Peace out!


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