Chapter Forty

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(Epilogue; 2009)

A few months had passed, and Ellyana and Dean were still happily together. Ellyana had finally come to terms with the things Dean had told her, and she completely believed him. She now understood why he had her get that tattoo on their first date. He wanted to protect her, and that was the easiest way he could do it.

Donna had lived like Castiel had said she would, and Ellyana couldn't be more more grateful. Her best friend was alive, meaning she didn't have to say goodbye to another friend. She was so scared of losing Donna like she had lost Lux. Luckily, Donna had lived, and Opie didn't lose his wife, and their kids didn't lose their mother.

About a month ago, Jax had admitted to Raelyn that he had feelings for her. She was shocked, but she had also admitted to having feelings for him. The two were a very cute couple. Ellyana was proud of Jax for taking her advice, even if he was months late on doing so. They were still happy, and that's all that mattered.

Well, they were mostly happy. About a week ago, a man attacked Rae, Kip, and Abel while they were at Jax's house getting things they needed. Cameron, the man who attacked them, had killed Kip, but luckily Rae had managed to knock the man out before he could hurt her or Abel. Cameron was grabbed by the club, and he was murdered for murdering Kip, and trying to kill a member's child and old lady.

Ellyana had been more protective over Lora since that incident, since she didn't want anything happening to her niece. She loved the little girl to bits, and she'd never allow anything to happen to her. Dean was also very protective, but it was almost like he was trying to show Ellyana that he was ready to be a father. She just wasn't sure if they were ready for that step yet.

Over the last year, Sam had found himself a girl, as had Kai. Sam's girl was named Jo, and she had apparently been a friend of the Winchester family. She admitted to having a crush on Dean years ago, but she promised she was well passed that. She only liked Sam now, and Ellyana believed her for the most part. Jo was a nice girl, so Ellyana tried to be friends with her, even when she got a little irritating to be around.

Kai's girl was named Emily, and she was very sweet. She was beautiful, and she was a few years younger than Kai. She had a little boy named Adam, and Kai was becoming like a father to him. According to Emily, Adam's father had decided to skip town on the little boy's second birthday, which tore the boy's heart to pieces. Kai and Ellyana made a pact that if they ever seen the man, they'd both take turns kicking his ass until he couldn't handle it anymore. The two together could be almost as scary as Happy Lowman when they needed to be.

Ellyana often had girls' day every two weeks, and Jo and Emily were invited to them. Dean and Kai would take the kids, while the girls hung out and drank wine or did whatever else they wanted to do on a girls' day. Sometimes, the girls would simply pile into Ellyana's huge bed and nap for hours, but that was still something they all enjoyed together.

Life wasn't simple and easy as everyone tried to make it seem, but it wasn't impossible. Ellyana was content with her life, even when things went a little crazy. As long as she had her family and friends, she'd be happy with her life. She just couldn't handle losing anyone else, so she'd have to protect them as best she could. That was her mission in life, keeping everyone safe, and having the apple pie life she had dreamed about when she was a kid...


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