Chapter Eight

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(Hospital; 2006)

A week had passed, but Ellyana hadn't woken up. She was moved to a regular room, and many people visited her often. Mason Barnes had even visited her, since he had gotten word that she was in the hospital. He traveled almost three thousand miles just to see her, and he left her a teddy bear, a vase of flowers, and a card from him, his brother, his sister-in-law, and his nephew. His entire family loved her, since she had managed to save his life.

Anyhow, a few days ago, Lieutenant Rhodes sent a couple of soldiers-Stan Mauro and Quinton Jones-to Charming to give Ella's things to her brother. Mauro and Jones visited Ella at the hospital to give their thanks for her saving their lives; especially Mauro, since his weapon had jammed, and she had taken a bullet for him.

Lieutenant Rhodes was waiting to hear if Ella woke up, before he decided who to send to talk to Lux's brother. Kai still didn't know his sister was gone, but Lieutenant Rhodes had a feeling that Ella would want to tell him the news herself, and he was giving her the chance, as long as she woke up soon. He had Mauro and Jones perched outside her room to keep her safe, knowing she would feel disoriented and lost when she woke up. He wanted them there to explain everything to her, as well as to be there when she told Malachi Gilbert about Lux's passing.

Tig had been sitting beside her bed, 'The Dukes of Hazzard' playing on the tv, as he waited for Ella to wake up. Everyday, a different member of the club would sit in Ella's room and watch over her until Gemma or Jax came to stay the night. Tig happened to be in the room the day Ella had finally woken up.

Ella's eyes burned when she first opened them, and her throat and mouth felt as dry as the dessert. The girl moved her head when she heard a chuckle, and her eyebrows furrowed when she spotted Tig sitting by the bed.

"Tig?" She called, her voice barely above a whisper, causing the man to jump.

"Jesus christ, doll, you about gave me a heart attack." Tig commented, before his eyes widened when he realized she was awake.

Quickly, he stood from his seat and pulled out his phone. Almost as soon as he opened his phone, the door to Ella's room opened, and the two soldiers entered.

"How are you feeling, SFC Teller?" Mauro asked, as Jones flagged down a doctor.

"Confused," She answered,"How did I get here?" She asked, her voice very hoarse.

"You were flown to St. Thomas as soon as you were stable enough to be moved. Lieutenant Rhodes gave strict orders of where you'd be treated and who would treat you." Jones answered, grabbing a small cup to fill with water.

"The club is on their way, doll. Gemma just has to close up for the day." Tig informed Ellyana, and she nodded.

"Ms. Teller, you're awake! How are you feeling? Are you in pain?" The doctor asked, and Ella nodded.

"Yeah, my shoulder hurts like hell." She replied, causing the doctor to smile sympathetically.

"Well, Ms. Teller, you're lucky to be alive," The doctor commented, as he put some pain meds into her I.V.,"You lost quite a bit of blood, and had a lot of injuries. I'm surprised you're not in more pain than you've told me about." He added, making her sigh.

"How bad was it?" She asked, looking between the doctor, her fellow soldiers, and Tig.

"You sustained four bullet wounds, a torn muscle in your shoulder close to the bullet wound in your shoulder, you have two broken ribs on the right side of your body, and a minor concussion, but I believe that's just about healed." The doctor answered, and Ellyana frowned.

"How long will my recovery time be, before I can go back out there again?" She asked, making the doctor frown.

"Ms. Teller, the damage to your shoulder is too major for you to be able to go back. No amount of surgery would be able to fix all the damage. From the tests we've ran, you have quite a bit of damage to your nerves in your shoulder, as well as damage to the tendons. The permanent damage to your muscle isn't any better. Even with physical therapy and possible reconstruction surgery, you're looking at a fifteen percent chance of you being able to go back out into the field, and even then, shooting anything more than a handgun would cause more damage, pain, and possible tremors and spasms. It's just unsafe." The doctor stated, causing tears to swell up in Ella's eyes.

The doctor stepped out to give Ella time to come to terms with his words and her injuries.

"I'm going to meet the club out in the hall." Tig murmured, deciding it was best if he told them what the doctor said, and that they wouldn't ask her anything that would make her cry.

"Has anyone told Lux's brother about her death?" Ellyana asked, her voice quiet and broken.

"No, ma'am. Lieutenant Rhodes told us that he'd give you the choice on if you want to be the one to tell Mr. Gilbert or if you want someone else to do it." Mauro replied, causing Ella to sigh.

"We'll be the ones going with you. The moment you are discharged from the hospital, and you want to go, we'll go." Jones stated, and Ella nodded silently.

"Do either of you know when I'll be discharged?" Ella asked, causing the men to shake their heads.

"No, but I will go ask." Mauro replied, quickly leaving the room to find Ella's doctor.

"Thank you," Jones said, causing Ella to look up at him,"Thank you for saving my life. If it wasn't for you saving my ass, there's a chance I might've died. You saved me, and for that, I'm grateful. If I had died, I would've left my kids, and I couldn't do that." He explained, making a small smile grow on Ella's face.

"I just did what was right." She replied, causing the man to chuckle.

"I told my Momma, my girl, and my kids about you. They wish to meet you one day, if that's okay with you." He commented, and she nodded.

She had saved a son, a husband, a father, and she was happy she could do that, but at the same time, she hated herself for not being able to save Lux; a sister, a mother, her best friend...

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