Chapter Seventeen

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(Telling Jax; 2008)

Ellyana had lived next to the Winchesters for a few days. She hadn't seen them much, but when she did see them, she would ignore them. She didn't want to converse with them, since she was still fairly angry with Sam. He had promised he wouldn't forget her, yet he left her in his past as if she was nothing.

Jax was planning to come to Ellyana's house soon to help her fix her fridge. She would've asked Kai, but the one thing Kai didn't know much about was a refrigerator. He knew almost everything and could learn easily about anything, except refrigerators. He tried, he just couldn't figure it out.

When Jax arrived, Ellyana almost sighed in relief when she didn't see the Impala outside. That meant Sam and Dean were gone, or at least Dean or Sam. If one was gone, the other didn't often go outside. It was kind of convient if Ellyana was honest. She knew she'd be able to avoid them when the car wasn't around.

"What exactly did you do to your fridge?" Jax asked, as he pulled it away from the wall.

"I don't know," She answered,"it just stopped working. It's not getting cold."

"Well, you're lucky I know how to fix it." He replied, making her laugh.

"I know," She giggled,"You're the best brother ever." She commented jokingly, and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, smartass." He retorted, flicking her on her forehead.

Ellyana sat on a chair near the refrigerator, and held Jax's tool box in her lap. She knew the names of all the tools, so she was able to pass them to him when he asked for them. After a while, she became a little bored, so she decided to finally tell him about the Winchesters.

"You'll never guess who moved in next door." She commented, causing Jax to shrug.

"Crazy Betty?" He asked, making her shake her head.

"First of all, Betty isn't crazy, she's just eccentric," Ellyana scolded,"and no, it's the Winchesters." She said, and Jax stopped abruptly.

"You mean like Sam and Dean Winchester? The same Sam that made you cry on your graduation? And the same Dean that liked to pick fights with me for no damn reason?" He asked, though his words sounded angry.

"I don't think it's wise for me to answer that anymore." She murmured, making him sigh.

"Jesus, Ella," He got back to work,"How long have them been living there?" He asked, and she shrugged.

"About a week, maybe a little more. I haven't really talked to them, so I haven't noticed how long they've been around." She answered, causing her brother to mentally sigh in relief.

"You stay away from those assholes, Ella," He said,"and you call me immediately if they give you any issues. I'll come kick their ass, and I'll bring reinforcement. You know how much Samcro cares about you. They'll kill them and not even think twice about it." He commented, and she nodded.

"I know, but don't start trouble with them when you leave," She pleaded,"I promise to let you know if they bother me." She added, causing Jax to agree reluctantly.

The siblings sat in silence once more, before Jax decided to speak.

"When is Lora getting home?" Jax asked, and Ellyana looked up at the clock.

"In an hour, so if you take long enough, you can be here when she gets here." The woman replied, and Jax nodded.

Jax adored the little girl. Melora loved her Uncle Jax, and she was always wanting to see him when she had the chance. Lora was honestly the sweetest and most bubbly girl anyone could ever meet.

"You still coming to Opie's welcome home party?" He asked, causing her to shrug.

"I don't know," She answered,"depends on how my shoulder feels. I've been having more good days recently, but that doesn't mean it won't start acting up again." She commented, and he nodded.

"A'ight," He stood up, and plugged the refrigerator back in,"that should do it. You have a fridge again." He said, and Ellyana sighed in relief.

"Good," She smiled,"Kai is getting tired of having to carry in ice and dump out the water once it melts. I don't blame him, the cooler is huge and heavy." She replied, making Jax chuckle.

Jax and Ellyana went out and sat on the porch to wait for Lora to get off the bus. Ellyana hadn't told Lora that Jax was coming, so it was going to be a real surprise when Lora came home and seen Jax. She would be the happiest girl on the planet.

While they were waiting outside, Ellyana seen the Impala. Barely a minute later, it was pulling into the driveway next door. Dean was the one to get out, and he had a paper bag and two cups with him. He glanced over and caught Ellyana's eyes, but he looked away once he seen Jax.

"Don't start with them. Lora will be home soon, and she'll get upset if you're angry." Ellyana commented, and Jax simply stayed silent in his seat.

Dean walked into his house and placed the food and drinks down on the kitchen table. Sam came into the room a moment later and sat down to eat.

"Jax is over at Ella's." Dean commented, and Sam nodded.

"I heard him pull up," Sam replied,"and that's her brother. I don't think you should really be surprised that he's there." He added, making Dean scowl.

"I'm not surprised," Dean retorted,"I just know if we run into each other, it isn't gonna be good." He said, causing Sam to sigh.

"Dean, maybe you should put your little feud with Jax Teller to rest. I mean, it's been years. I bet even he's over it by now." Sam commented, and Dean simply stuffed a bite of his burger into his mouth.

Dean just hoped that he and Jax never ran into each other. He didn't feel like fighting the locals...

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