Chapter Twenty Four

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(Fun Town; 2008)

Ellyana decided to take Lora to Fun Town, since Jax was wanting her to go with the guys. Kai had gotten off work early, and he was able to go to Fun Town as well. He wasn't as excited as Lora, obviously, but he and Ellyana would do anything to make the little girl smile.

"Make sure to wear something you can move around in, but not your school clothes." Ellyana had told Lora, as they were getting ready.

Ellyana had simply wore a pair of jeans, combat boots, and a grey tank top. She pulled her hair into a ponytail, though it was kind of hard, since her shoulder was still giving her trouble. She had to pretend that it wasn't that bad though, since she didn't want to go see a doctor. Doctors always gave her bad news, and she didn't want to hear more bad news.

"Are you ready to go?" Ellyana asked, as Lora came to her room.

"Yes!" Lora exclaimed, and Ellyana could tell that she was really excited.

Ellyana and Lora waited for a couple more minutes, before Kai joined them. He had gotten a shower and put on new clothes, since he didn't want to smell like sweat from work. Once Ellyana knew that Lora and Kai were ready, she grabbed her keys, and beckoned them to follow her.

As soon as they got out of the car at Fun Town, Lora spotted Jax with Chibs and Tig. Lora loved her uncle Jax, and she wanted to he around him whenever she could. Ellyana figured it was because Jax was known to be childish at times, especially with kids, and she knew he was a great uncle for Lora.

"Uncle Jax!" She exclaimed, and Jax squatted down to her size.

"Lora!" Jax greeted her with just as much enthusiasm.

"C'mon Lora, you wanna go get on some rides?" Ellyana asked, and the little girl nodded quickly.

"We'll get food in a little bit." Kai commented, as Ellyana brought Lora to the rides.

Ellyana rode a couple of rides with Lora, but the pain she got from the constant fast motions of the rides made her shoulder hurt. She toughed it out for as long as she could, but when she got off the one ride and felt like she couldn't lift her arm without almost crying, she decided she was done with riding rides for the day. Kai took her place afterward, as Ellyana went to find a place that would give her ice for her shoulder.

She sat down on a bench and placed the ice on her shoulder with a hiss. The cold ice against the burning pain did hurt for a minute, but she was able to get through it. The ice numbed the pain a bit, but not enough where she would get on some more rides and pretend like she wasn't in pain. As she was sitting there watching Lora and Kai, someone sat next to her.

"You okay?" She heard, and she realized it was Dean.

"My shoulder is hurtin' like a bitch, but the ice is helpin' a bit." She replied, a shiver running down her arm when the cold water from the melting ice dropped on her warm skin.

"Need me to get you some ibuprofen or something?" He asked, but she shook her head.

"No, nothing really helps other than my pain meds that are at home," She answered,"and you should probably run, before Jax heads over. He'll realize soon that I'm not on the ride with Lora, and he'll get worrried."

"You're right," He replied,"Guess I'll see you around."

Dean walked off back to his brother, and barely a couple minutes later, Jax came over to Ellyana.

"You good?" He asked, and she sighed.

"My shoulder is bein' a bitch. I had to stop gettin' on rides with Lora, 'cause I felt like if I lifted my arm, I'd cry." She admitted, making Jax frown.

"You're in luck," He commented, reaching into his jacket,"I brought a couple of your pain pills, just incase you needed them."

"Thank you, Jax." She replied, as she took them from his hand.

"Promise you won't get hooked on this shit?" He questioned, making her frown.

"You know I have to have them for my shoulder." She retorted, and he nodded.

"I know," He said,"but I don't want you gettin' hooked on the shit."

"I won't, Jax, but I'm not gonna stop takin' my pain pills to make you happy. I'm not gonna be in severe pain, just because you think I'm gonna turn out like Wendy." She stated, making him sigh.

"I'm not sayin' that, Ella. I'm sayin' that when you're not in pain, I don't want you constantly takin' them. I don't want you to constantly be in pain, Ella. I love you, and I hate seeing you in pain." He replied, and she finally nodded.

"Fine, I promise," She answered,"as long as you promise to start bein' a little nicer to my neighbors. I like living in a quiet home, and I don't want you making that impossible for me because you pissed off the neighbors."

"Are you hangin' out with the Winchesters?" He asked, causing her to chuckle.

"You look into stuff too much. Maybe I just want to stop getting weird looks in the store because my brother is an asshole." She retorted, and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, smartass." He answered, and she laughed.

Fun Town really went a lot better than Ellyana thought it would be. The only real issue for her was her shoulder. She hoped that by the next time Fun Town came around, she'd be able to have more fun without dealing with pain. She didn't like being in pain, because she felt like she was disappointing Lora by stepping out and letting someone else take her place because of her pain. She hoped that one day Lora wouldn't hate her for it, and if she did, Ellyana would understand...

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