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Hello my lovelies, my beauties, my friends!

So, I am not feeling as happy with this story as I was when I first started it. I don't know, I'm just not happy with it. It's not turning out the way I wanted it to. I'm rather disappointed in the story.

Anyway, I don't want all those compliments and seeking attention or anything. Honestly, I'm seriously not sure about this story anymore. I have every chapter mapped out, but I just don't like the story.

I'm thinking about adding a couple end chapters to finish, but I don't know. I might just leave it how it is. I'm not sure at all. All I know is, I'm not going to delete the story, even if it ends at the last chapter I posted. I'll decide soon what I'm going to do, but I'm not completely sure as of yet.

- Youngblood Xxx

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