Chapter Twenty

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(Angry Neighbors; 2008)

Ellyana didn't often give a damn about anything, especially when it came to the volume of things when she was listening to them or doing something. Lora had gone to Donna's to spend the night with Ellie and Kenny, since Ellie wanted a sleepover, but didn't have too many friends. Ellyana was more than happy to let Lora go, and Lora was over the moon when she got invited.

Kai and Ellyana had decided to throw somewhat of a small party inside of their house when Lora wasn't there. It really wasn't much of a party, but a few people were there drinking, eating snacks, playing darts, and hanging out in the backyard. They were all being a bit loud, but they were having fun.

It was Ellyana, Kai, Raelyn, Jax, Juice, Tig, Chibs, Happy, HalfSack, and Kozik. Clay and Gemma were hanging out on their own at home, and Tara had work, so she wasn't able to come—not like Ellyana was going to really invite her anyway. So, they had music playing through the big speakers Ellyana had gotten a few years ago, and they were being kind of loud because of the alcohol.

It became really loud when Raelyn accidentally threw a dart, and it went into HalfSack's arm. Raelyn was freaking out, but everyone else was laughing their asses off. HalfSack simply pulled the dart out of his arm and handed it back to his sister. Ellyana went and grabbed a bandage from the kitchen, and wrapped his arm up so he wouldn't bleed all over everything.

"You guys want pizza?" She asked, her voice carrying throughout the yard.

"Yeah!" A chorus of voices answered, and she laughed.

Ellyana went inside and ordered about eight pizzas, four boxes of cheese bread, and some of the cinnamon twists she loved so much. She'd put them up for the next day, since it definitely wouldn't go well with alcohol. She'd have to hide them in her room or in the back of the fridge, otherwise Jax would sniff them out. He loved them as much as she did.

About forty minutes later, Ellyana went to the front to pay for the pizzas, everyone else stayed in the backyard. When she opened the door, the pizza man was waiting on her with furrowed eyebrows. She figured it was because she ordered so much food, and she wasn't that big of a girl. Instead of explaining herself, she simply paid him what she owed him, as well as a five dollar tip.

Once he was paid, he went back to his car and left. Ellyana had to place the stuff on a chair near the door so she could open the door. Before she could carry stuff inside though, she heard footsteps approaching her. Intoxicated or not, she knew how to defend herself. Quickly, she grabbed the buck knife that was strapped to her waist, and turned around to face the person.

She sighed in relief when she seen it was just Dean Winchester, but then she realized who it was and scowled.

"What the hell are you doing here, Winchester?" She demanded, and Dean was surprised at the amount of authority in her voice.

"Your party is too damn loud. I can't even hear myself think over the damn noise." He  snapped, causing her to smirk.

"I didn't even know you could think," She retorted,"I mean, you spent most of high school with your head up your ass."

"Turn this shit down," He spat,"and the better question is, where's your kid, she can't possibly be sleeping through this." He commented, and Ellyana smirked once more.

"She's at a sleepover, so we decided it was the perfect time to party," She replied,"Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some hungry party goers waiting for their food." She added, before she opened her front door and disappeared into the house, kicking the door closed behind her.

Dean stayed in place for a moment, feeling anger ripple through his body because of her. He was pissed, but at the same time, he was actually a little turned on. She was hot, and she became even hotter when she had such big authority in her voice. She could he scary to others, but to Dean, the way she was made her an absolute babe.

"What took you so long?" Raelyn asked, when she seen Ellyana walk into the kitchen.

"I couldn't get the front door open with all the pizzas," She replied,"then when I went to sit them down, I almost tipped them over, and it was like a whole juggling act to save the pizzas and get inside."

"Why didn't you just ask someone to follow you?" Raelyn asked, shaking her head and laughing at her best friend.

"I'm not the smartest person alive, Rae," She scoffed,"Besides, you know just how stubborn I can be. I don't like asking for help." She said, and Raelyn laughed.

"Don't I know it," She joked,"It took you a week to ask me for help when your shoulder was giving you troubles," She looked over at her best friend,"Matter of fact, you should've had some help, you could've hurt yourself. You don't want to tell the doctor you need a surgery because you were drinking, and you were too stubborn to ask for help with some pizza." She commented, making Ellyana roll her eyes.

Ellyana truly loved her friend, but sometimes she could be a bit over the top. She kind of wished the girl was outside with her though, if she was, she wouldn't have had to talk to Dean, or she wouldn't have had to talk to him for so long. She knew he probably questioned why she carried a knife everywhere, and that was simply a force of habit. Jax taught her that, and she kept to it. Lora knew better than to touch it. Honestly, it was Ellyana's perfect defense when she was in a shady situation...

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