Chapter Twenty Six

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(Taste of Charming; 2008)

The next morning, Ellyana had woken up in a little less pain than the day before. She was surprised, considering Kohn had caused her a good bit of pain when he shoved her. She didn't tell Kai about it, since she didn't want him to worry about her being home alone.

Anyhow, Ellyana and Kai agreed that Lora should go to the Taste of Charming. They decided that it would let her spend time with the Winston children, while the two adults helped out around the event. Ellyana was supposed to help her mother, and Kai would most likely be traded between a couple booths to help out.

The moment Ellyana, Kai, and Lora walked into the gates, Ellyana spotted Agent Kohn. Her eyes widened, but she tried to pretend that she didn't see him. Instead, she looked around to find her brother. She'd eventually go to Gemma, but first she needed to see Jax.

"I have to talk to Jax, but I'll be right back." Ellyana commented, and Kai nodded.

"I'll take Lora to the Winstons." He replied, as he grabbed his niece's hand to lead her away from Ellyana.

Once Ellyana was sure that Lora was safe, she went to find Jax. She immediately spotted him with Opie. Quickly, she jogged over to him and stopped in front of him and Opie.

"You're in a rush today, Ella." Opie commented, causing Ellyana to chuckle.

"I need to talk to you." Ellyana said, looking at Jax.

"About what?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You know there's an ATF agent hanging around, right?" She questioned, making him frown.

"What's going on?" His voice growing a little unsettled.

"The ATF agent, Kohn I think was his name, he came to my house yesterday." She said, making Jax's eyes narrow.

"What'd he say?" Opie asked, curious about the conversation.

"He was asking about you guys. I don't know what you guys are doing, but I'm not getting dragged into it. He threatened me and Lora. When I snapped at him, he shoved me--" She was cut off.

"He what?!" Opie and Jax exclaimed at the same time.

"Yeah, yesterday I was having a very bad day with my shoulder. He knew about my injuries and everything else. He used it to his advantage. If it wasn't for Dean, I don't know if he would've backed off." She said, making both men angry.

"I'll look into it. I don't know who the hell he is, but I seen him at the hospital the other day, too. He was watching me and Abel." Jax replied, and she nodded.

"Handle him, please, I don't want him thinking he can use me or Lora against you guys. I don't play well with someone threatening my family, especially children." She commented, causing Jax to give her a nod.

Once Ellyana left Jax and Opie, she went towards the booth her mother was working. A small smile made its way to the girl's face, when she seen Dean and Sam Winchester heading into the gates. She knew they'd be by her booth eventually, if Dean didn't end up spotting her almost instantly. Her smile didn't stay long though, since her eyes almost immediately landed on Tara. She didn't try to hate Tara, but when she seen Tara look towards Kohn, she had an idea of why the man was around.

"I think Kohn might be here because of a tip off." Ellyana murmured, as she passed her mother.

"I wouldn't doubt it," Gemma replied,"I can practically smell a rat."

Ellyana busied herself to try and keep her mind off of Kohn and Tara, but she was brought out of concentration when Dean approached. She held a smile on her lips, as she greeted him, and handed him a bowl full of chili. She wasn't a fan of chili, but she doubted Dean would turn it down.

"I see Kohn's here." Dean commented, and Ellyana sighed.

"I told Jax about him," Ellyana replied,"Jax doesn't know why he's around, but he was in the hospital watching him and Abel."

"That's creepy," Dean voiced,"he's disgusting."

"You enjoying yourself?" Ellyana asked, deciding to change the subject.

"It's definitely something I've never experienced before," Dean answered,"but I am enjoying it. Thanks for inviting me."

"You're welcome," She replied, giving him a smile,"Go enjoy yourself, I should have a break in about an hour."

Dean gave her a grin, before he walked off to find his brother. Gemma almost immediately recognized Dean when he came up to their booth. She stayed silent while Ellyana talked to the man. Once the man walked away though, that gave Gemma the perfect time to ask questions.

"Since when are you and Dean Winchester on good terms?" Gemma asked, making Ellyana sigh.

"He came over and apologized," She replied,"and I've talked to him a few times since then."

"You two seem close." She commented, causing Ellyana to give her mother a look.

"Ma," Ellyana crossed her arms,"it's not like that, and even if it was, he's not horrible." She said, causing Gemma to scoff.

"Ella, if you don't remember, he and his little brother made you cry when you were younger. They never contacted you, and they just randomly came back and decided to apologize," Gemma shook her head,"That sounds suspicious, and I'm all for you being happy, but I don't think he's the safest choice." She replied, making Ellyana groan.

"Just let it go, Ma," The younger woman commented,"Nothing is happening between us."

Gemma didn't truly believe her. Ellyana seemed too close to Dean for them to be simply friends. Ellyana was too beautiful and bold for any man to turn her down, atleast in Gemma's opinion that was true. She knew Dean had a thing for Ellyana as soon as she seen him talking to her. He made it too obvious, and there was no way for him to play it off. She wondered if she should talk to him about it, but she didn't want to start any problems yet, not if she didn't have to...

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