Chapter One

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(High School; 1996)

Ellyana "Ella" Teller was beyond smarter than most children her age; that age being fourteen. At the age of fourteen, Ellyana was already in her junior year, and according to her grades, she'd graduate by sixteen. Her mother was very proud of her, as was her big brother, Jax. Jackson "Jax" Teller was four years older than Ella, and he was currently a senior.

Ella sat in the library during her free period, since her best friend, Donna, was still in class. Donna was a senior, and was close to turning eighteen. Donna and Ella had been friends since Ella started high school. Donna had also been around Ella a few months before she even entered high school, since Donna was around Opie a lot. Harry "Opie" Winston was Jax's best friend, and he loved Ella like she was his little sister.

Anyhow, as Ella sat reading her favorite book, 'Carrie' by Stephen King, she heard footsteps approaching the library. Glancing up from her book, she seen a brunette entering the quiet area. She had never seen this boy before, but she wasn't surprised, she often didn't see many kids her age, since she wasn't in their grade. As if he felt eyes on him, he glanced over and spotted Ella.

Ellyana quickly averted her eyes to her book, but it was too late. The boy had already spotted her, and she could hear him approaching her slowly. Once he was close, she glanced up from her book once more and the two made eye contact. Ella gave the boy a small smile, as she slipped her tattered bookmark into her book to keep her page marked.

"I didn't think it was time for freshman to be leaving their classes." Ella commented, mentally slapping herself once the words came out of her mouth.

"It's not, I just didn't feel like going to class," He answered,"I love school, don't get me wrong, but the teacher for math isn't that great. I doubt she's even qualified to teach anything after like math from the twenties." He added, making Ella laugh.

"Ms. Garner?" She questioned rhetorically,"Yeah, I hated her. She claimed I didn't do some of my tests because she lost them. I redid them, of course, and she actually lost two more. I was so mad, I went to the councilor and transferred out of her class," She bit her lip,"I can talk to Ms. Francine and get you transferred if you want." She offered, making the boy smile.

"That'd be great," He replied,"I'm Sam, Sam Winchester," He stuck out his hand, and she shook it gently,"and I don't mean to sound rude, but you don't look older than a freshman." He commented, causing her to laugh.

"I'm Ellyana Teller, but just call me Ella," She replied,"and I'm not older than the freshmen, I just happened to skip a couple of grades in elementary school. I'm actually a junior right now, but I'm only fourteen." She explained, letting him know why she wasn't a freshman.

"D-do you think you could help me with my math?" Sam asked,"Ms. Garner didn't really explain radical numbers and how to solve for them." He said, and Ellyana nodded.

For the next hour, Ella helped Sam with his math, explaining everything Ms. Garner didn't explain. By the time the bell rang for Ella and Sam to go to their next classes, Sam was more confident in his work, and Ella felt a little special that someone asked her for help.

"Who's that?" Donna asked, when Ella approached her and left Sam.

"That's Sam Winchester, he's a freshman, and I guess he's new." Ella replied, and Donna nodded.

"Yeah, he is. A couple days ago, his older brother Dean was placed in our science class. He and Jax butt heads, since they seem to have the same alpha male personality." Donna commented, making Ella sigh and shake her head.

"Tell Ope if Jax causes any problems with the new kid, just let me know, and I'll try to talk to him." Ella said, causing Donna to chuckle.

"I will," Donna answered,"but I doubt that'll do much. Dean claims he'll be leaving Charming soon, so he doesn't care about making friends." She added, and Ella frowned.

"That's sad. I doubt it's good for his little brother to constantly be moving to new places and new schools. I know that would screw with me." Ella commented, making Donna nod in agreement.

Hours later, the school day ended, and Ella headed outside of the building to find her brother's bike. Jax was supposed to bring Ella to and from school everyday, since she wasn't old enough to drive. While she was waiting for her brother, she spotted Sam waiting out by a beautiful car.

"Hey, Sam." Ella greeted, as she walked towards the boy.

"Hey, Ella. You waiting for someone?" He asked, and she nodded.

"My big brother, Jax. He's a senior." She replied, giving a little shrug.

"My brother Dean is, too." Sam murmured, but before anything else could be said, Jax approached them, and Tara followed close behind.

Tara Knowles was Jax's girlfriend, but Ellyana wasn't a big fan of the girl. Tara always seemed so stuck up and too good for everyone. She was never very kind to anyone, but she always tried to be nice to Ellyana, since Jax was very protective over his sister.

"You ready to go?" Jax asked, as he glanced over Sam.

"Yeah," Ella answered,"bye Sam!" She called, as she followed her brother.

Tara went to her own ride, which was a green Volkswagen Beetle, and it had a few scratches and rusty spots on it. Her father had a nice car, but he was never much of the sharing type when it came to his car. Tara had happened to buy her own car, so she could get back and forth to school.

Ellyana had already been saving up for her own car since she was ten. She had quite a bit of money, but it would still be some time before she could buy a car. The problem was, she wasn't sure what she would do with her car if she was planning to sign up for the army as soon as she had the chance...

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