Chapter Three

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(Graduation; 1998)

The age of sixteen wasn't the normal age for a girl to be graduating high school. She felt extremely nervous, but she wasn't going to let that show. The girl had sent Sam an email with an invitation to her graduation, but she never got a reply back, which honestly hurt her feelings. She knew then that he had forgotten about her, and that disappointed her more than anything.

"My baby is graduating today." Her mother, Gemma, cooed, as she hugged the girl close to her chest.

"I knew you could do it, Ella. You were always the smartest of the three of us." Jax commented, causing Ellyana to laugh lightly.

The girl missed her little brother, Thomas, but the poor boy had passed away in 1990 due to the family flaw. Jax and Ella had managed to live, but poor Thomas hadn't been so lucky. He had passed away at the young age of six, and their father followed only three years later, but he died from an accident on his bike.

"JT and Tommy would be so proud of you, sweetheart." Gemma murmured, kissing the side of her daughter's head.

"When do you have to get to the school?" Donna asked, as she rubbed her rather large baby bump.

Donna had married Opie only three months after high school, and a month later, she revealed she was pregnant. The woman later gave birth to her and Opie's son, Kenny Winston. In January of 1998, Donna revealed that she was pregnant again, and this time it was a girl. Donna and Opie weren't sure of the baby's name yet, but they wanted her name to mean something.

"The graduation ceremony starts at three, so I have to be there by one." Ella answered, and Donna smiled.

"I can't wait to see you walk the line!" Donna exclaimed happily, and Ella laughed.

Donna and Gemma helped Ella get ready for her graduation, as Jax and Opie went to finish some club business. The entire club promised to be finished with their business before the graduation, so they could all sit in the crowd and cheer Ella on as she walked the line.

Tara probably would've helped, if she hadn't have ran to Chicago almost a year ago. She had ran off to go to college, and she claimed she wanted away from the club life. She swore the club sucked people in, and the only way out was death, but Ella didn't see it that way. The club was her family, and she hated Tara for hurting her brother so horribly.

Jax seemed to be calm about everything, but Ella knew that Jax was slowly spiraling. Tara had been the love of his life, even though his mother and sister hated her, and he wanted to hate her for leaving, but he couldn't. She had hurt him so bad, but he still loved her and that caused him a lot of pain.

"Now that you're graduating, Jax wants you to be taught how to use a weapon to defend yourself." Gemma commented, curling a piece of the young girl's hair with a curling iron.

"He's already trained me with a knife. He made me do that when I was twelve. I think I should start boxing or something before handling a firearm. I'm not legally allowed to own one yet anyway." Ellyana said, making her mother laugh.

"Legal isn't completely in the club's vocabulary, unless you've forgotten." Gemma replied, causing Ella to roll her eyes playfully.

"I know, that's how I ended up with my license two months before my birthday." Ellyana answered, and her mother gave her a smirk.

"Enough about the club, weapons, and illegal things," Donna commented, causing Gemma to give her a side eyed glance,"I want to know if you're driving yourself, or if you want someone to drive you, and I also want to know if you want something to eat before you leave, or have something extravagant after you graduate." Donna questioned, causing Ella to smile.

"I think I'm going to have Mom drive me, then I'll ride with Jax once I graduate," Ella replied,"Speaking of, I need one of you to carry my bag with my second change of clothes, so I don't have to wear a dress on Jax's bike." She added, and her mother nodded.

"Also," Gemma began, turning to Donna,"we're doing a big dinner at my place. The old ladies and I are going to make all of Ella's favorite foods, and I think Luann's making a couple margaritas for our girl to celebrate." Gemma said, and Ella silently cheered.

Luann made some of the best alcoholic drinks, even the ones that normally tasted horrible. Ella refused to drink whiskey though, since she believed it was horrible, so Luann never used whiskey when making drinks for Ella-and yes, they all knew Ella wasn't old enough to drink, but that didn't bother them.

Anyhow, hours later, Ella walked across the stage as the principal called out her name. Whistles, cheers, and yelling was heard from the section where her family was sat. If she was any other person, she most likely would've blushed and become embarrassed, but she loved her family, and she didn't feel embarrassed by their antics.

As Ella was headed towards the changing room to put on regular clothes, she was stopped by a tall man with dark hair and blue eyes. The man wore an army uniform, and he had a trustworthy aura to him. The soldier handed Ella a packet, and she clutched it slightly in her hands.

"I know you're only sixteen, and you have to be eighteen to officially sign up without a parent's permission, but you're a very bright young woman, and we could definitely use your intelligence in the army." The soldier stated, and Ella smiled.

"I've been thinking of joining for the last two years. It's almost like this was fate." She commented, making the man smile.

"Look through the pamphlets and see what all there is for us to offer, then once you're eighteen, fill out the forms and send them in," The soldier stated,"Here's an envelope with everything already typed out, that way you can send it faster." He added, handing her an envelope.

"Thank you." Ella murmured, before she and the soldier stepped away from each other.

Ella knew this was what she wanted to do, she just wasn't sure how well her family would take the news; especially Donna, her mother, and her big brother...

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