Chapter Twenty Eight

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(The Date; 2008)

Ellyana had agreed to go on a date with Dean, but she was nervous. She didn't know what to expect, considering she didn't really know him as well as she knew some other people who had tried to take her on dates before. Luckily though, Donna helped her pick out some clothes for the date, and helped talk her out of her head.

The next night, Jax would be having a party for Abel coming home, so Ellyana hoped that he and the Winchesters would be on good terms by then. If the date went well, Ellyana planned to be around Dean more, and she didn't want her brother hating them if she did decide she liked him.

After getting ready, Dean met her outside. Ellyana couldn't lie, he was actually really handsome. He hadn't changed his look too much, other than what looked like a new shirt and his hair was fixed more than it usually was. Dean complimented her, which made her heart flutter. She really did like him, and she just didn't want to admit it so easily.

For their date, Dean took her out to eat, before they went to a local tattoo shop and got tattoos that Dean paid for. Somehow he talked her into getting an antipossession tattoo, which she thought was weird, but he told her it would protect her from scary things in the world. She didn't really question him, since he seemed so serious over the discussion.

After getting tattoos, Dean took her to get ice cream, before they headed back to her house. Kai and Lora would be there, so Dean bought them some cookies, which Lora was really going to go crazy over. When they pulled into the driveway of her house, Dean quickly got out and ran over to her door to help her out like a gentleman.

"I had a good time tonight." Ellyana commented, and Dean smiled.

"I did, too." He replied, causing her to smile as well.

"We should do this again sometime." She said, and he quickly agreed.

"Yeah," He answered,"Uh," He cleared his throat nervously,"I know we've only been on one date, but do you maybe wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked, causing her to grin.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend, Dean Winchester," She replied,"but you know that means you, Sam, and Jax have to get along."

"I know, and I'm willing to clear the air with Jax for you." He answered, making her smile.

"Good, because tomorrow is my nephew's coming home party, and I want you guys to be civil by then." She said, causing him to groan.

"You're asking a lot of me, babe." He retorted, and she chuckled.

"That's what you have to do if you want me to be your girlfriend for more than just five minutes." She answered, and he reluctantly agreed.

That night, Ellyana called Donna and told her all about the date. Donna was secretly jealous of Ellyana's new boyfriend, mostly because he wasn't a part of the club. She could only wish Opie left the club, but that would never happened, and she was slowly coming to terms with that.

After her phone call with Donna, Ellyana went to sleep with a smile on her face. A few hours later though, she woke up to the sound of her phone ringing. She looked at the clock, seeing it was almost three in the morning. She groaned and snatched her phone from the nightstand, before she looked at the screen to see who was calling.

"Jax, did you even look at the clock before you called me?" She questioned, her voice groggy from sleep.

"Tara left." He said, making her sit up feeling more awake.

"What do you mean she left?" The girl asked, feeling anger trying to build in her chest.

"I, uh, she called and said that Kohn was at her place. She said he was threatening her, and when I got there, she had shot him. He started talking shit, and he pissed me off...I killed him, Ella, then I...then I had sex with Tara." He answered, making her frown.

"So, you're saying she used to you to get away from Kohn, then she jumped ship?" The girl rhetorically questioned, knowing the answer to her own question.

"Yeah," He sighed,"She left a damn note, saying she was going back to Chicago. She said she wasn't cut out for this life, and she promised not to tell anyone about Kohn." He said, making Ellyana scoff.

"That bitch!" She exclaimed,"Don't even try to say otherwise, 'cause that's what she is. Honestly, you're better off without her. You should find yourself a nice girl to be with, maybe Rae."

"Ella." Jax scolded, and she chuckled.

"You know you like her. She may be Kip's sister, but c'mon, you like her and you know it. Besides, I think she's great." She replied, making Jax sigh.

"I'm not getting into anything serious anytime soon." He said, and she smiled to herself.

"That's fine, but if you consider it, try Rae. She's a good girl, and I think she'd be a great step-mom." Ellyana commented, making Jax chuckle.

"Get some sleep, you're starting to sound like Mom." He retorted, and she gasped.

"Jackson!" She exclaimed, as he laughed.

"Goodnight, Ella, I love you." He said, making her smile.

"I love you." She replied, before she hung up the phone.

Tara better be glad she left when she did. If she tried that during the day, Ellyana would've found her, and she would've kicked her ass. She knew the bitch was only using her brother, but she was giving her the benefit of the doubt for Jax. If she ever seen Tara again, she'd make her feel the real pain she deserved for using Jax for her own problems. Jax didn't deserve that, he was a good guy. Tara deserved to rot in hell, and Ellyana planned to make her feel pain if she ever seen her again...

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