Chapter Two

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(High School; 1996)

"Dad is coming back tomorrow, today's my last day." Sam told Ella, almost as soon as he seen her in school.

"You've only been here for a month." Ella commented, making Sam frown.

"I know, and I'm sorry, but we knew I wouldn't be here long." Sam replied, and Ella frowned as well.

"You're my best friend, Sam," Ella murmured,"please don't forget about me when you leave." She added, feeling tears swell in her eyes.

"You're my best friend, Ella," Sam said,"I'd never forget you." He pulled her into a hug.

Obviously, Ella knew not every friend could be her "best friend," but she was sure that Donna was her forever best friend, and Sam was her newest best friend. He was someone she felt like she had known forever.

Ellyana hadn't met Sam's brother, but she knew quite a bit about him, at least, what Sam wanted her to know about him. She also heard quite a bit from Jax and Opie about Dean Winchester. He was a sarcastic, always hungry, menace to society, at least, according to Tara. Jax and Dean did butt heads, but Jax didn't say too much about Dean, unless it was stuff he knew that was true. Being a playboy was definitely something Jax knew, and he had told Ellyana about.

Anyhow, by the end of the day, Ellyana stood outside of the school with Donna, as they watched Sam and Dean Winchester pack their backpacks into the backseat of their car and pullout of the parking spot in the school lot. Ella and Sam waved to each other one last time before Sam and his brother left the school for good.

"Don't worry, Ella, you'll see him again one day." Donna commented, as she patted her friend's back to comfort her.

Ella was going to miss her friend, even if she had only known the boy for a month. She thought he was the closest thing she could get to someone outside of the Sons of Anarchy, and the Charming people that tried to avoid them, or tried to get on their good side. Ella didn't have to talk to Sam about the club, and she felt like the secret she kept from him wasn't too bad.

After leaving the school, Sam sat with a frown on his face. He wasn't happy that he had to leave his friend behind, she was the closest thing to a best friend that he had ever managed to get throughout his school life. She didn't know everything about him, but he knew he couldn't tell her that they traveled to hunt monsters, if he did, she'd think he was crazy.

"What's wrong, Sammy?" Dean asked, looking over at his brother.

"I didn't want to leave this school. I feel normal here, and I finally have a friend who didn't think I was a freak when she seen the pocket knife fall out of my backpack." He replied, making Dean sigh.

"I know you like her, Sam, but you'll find another girl like her one day. You're only fourteen." Dean said, causing Sam to shake his head.

"No! I don't like her like that, Dean! She's my best friend! My first best friend, and I had to leave her behind! Why can't Dad just let us stay here for awhile? Why can't we be normal for once?" Sam argued, making Dean huff.

"Look, Sam, life isn't fair, for any of us," Dean stated, his hands gripping the steering wheel tighter,"Dad is doing what's best to be able to gank the son of a bitch that killed Mom. He's helping people Sam; we're helping people. I'm sorry you can't have that normal life you want, but Dad is doing his best to make sure you get your normal education and things you need for life," Dean rambled, his words barely striking a cord with Sam,"Think about it this way," He began, knowing it was the only way to get through to Sam,"us leaving is one way to protect Ella from our life and what inevitably happens to the people that get involved with us."

"You're right." Sam murmured, going silent after that.

Dean felt bad, yes, but he had to make sure Sam understood why they followed their dad. He didn't want Sam and their dad getting into another argument over the way their dad was treating them. To be honest, Dean didn't really see anything wrong with the way their father was raising them. He wanted them to be ready for anything, and Dean understood that, but Sam didn't.

Sam wanted to be normal. He wanted to go to school everyday, make friends-live the same things day in and day out. Sam wanted to have a high school girlfriend. He wanted to go to prom, go to a party and get a little tipsy on a punch that wasn't supposed to be spiked. He wanted to go to college, get a good career, and have a happy little family.

Dean knew that wasn't a life they could get, and he wished his brother knew that, too. Truth be told, Dean was a bit jealous of Sam's vision for his future, since his own future wasn't as bright as Sam's vision was. Dean knew he'd be hunting monsters until his life ended, and he knew he'd be going to the same diners having the same greasy burgers and fries, he'd stay in the same cheap motels, and he'd run the same credit card scandals and identity fraud his father did.

Sam believed one day everything would get better. Eventually they'd be able to have the lives they deserved. One day, Dean would be able to find himself a girl to settle down with. One day, the monsters wouldn't be in such great numbers. One day, they'd kill the demon that killed their mother, and then they'd have the chance to be free. All Sam wanted was for them to be free, and maybe one day have the chance to see his best friend again-possibly tell her the secret that he had been keeping since they met. Maybe she wouldn't think he was a freak...

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