Chapter Sixteen

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(New Neighbors; 2008)

The day after Sam and Dean moved into the house next to hers, Ellyana invited Donna and Rae over so they could have girl time to talk and hangout. Kenny and Ellie were being picked up by Piney after school, and the girls were waiting outside for Lora to get off the bus. Kai was still at work, but he'd be home in a couple of hours.

"You'll never guess who moved in next door yesterday." Ella commented, causing her two friends to look over at her.

"Who?" Donna asked, very curious for the answer.

"Sam and Dean fucking Winchester." Ella answered, and Donna gasped.

"No way!" Donna exclaimed, surprised that the two brothers returned to Charming.

Donna had heard all about Sam blowing Ella off, and she decided she hated the brothers more than anything. She was pissed at Sam for hurting her best friend, and she'd never forgive him for what he did. Ella always had trouble making true friends, so when she cried to Donna about her believing Sam was one of her best friends and then he ditched her, the older woman became livid with the younger boy.

"Am I the only one lost here?" Rae asked, causing Ella and Donna to laugh.

"Sam and Dean Winchester moved to Charming back when I was a senior and Ella was a junior. They were only here for a month, before their father came, picked them up, and shipped them off to somewhere else." Donna explained, and Rae nodded.

"I guess that was the year I went to stay with my dad. I definitely don't remember any new kids that only stayed for a month." Rae replied, making her friends laugh again.

"Did they come over?" Donna asked, but Ella shook her head.

"No, they didn't. They unloaded their car, and by the time I went outside to wait for Lora, they were gone. I mean, they're home right now, so obviously they didn't skip town that quick, but I don't think I'd be very nice if either of them approached me anytime soon." Ella answered, and her friends agreed with her immediately.

"I can't wait until Opie gets out of jail, he'll get a kick out of the Winchesters being back." Donna commented, causing Ella to nod.

"Should we tell Jax?" Rae asked, causing the other girls to shrug.

"He'll figure it out sooner or later, but I think I might need to tell him, since they are my new neighbors," Ella replied,"Also, Opie gets out in three weeks, and I wouldn't be surprised if he beats the shit out of them. I remember how he was when he seen me crying over Sam ignoring me." She added, and Donna simply shook her head with a sigh.

"Sam and Dean better hope both guys have gotten over their anger towards them, otherwise the two might have an entire club of angry men on their asses." Donna commented, causing Rae and Ella to laugh.

That was one of the few times Donna said something in a positive way towards the club. Donna hated the club, and blamed them for what happened to Opie. It wasn't their fault, or at least, not in Ella's eyes. The person at fault was Kyle Hobart, since he left Opie at the scene of a crime, when he was supposed to be the getaway driver.

Honestly, Kyle had better be glad that Ella didn't go looking for him, otherwise he'd get his ass kicked by a woman. She would show him just how strong the army made her, and he would be begging for her to stop. Even with a bummed shoulder, Ella could still kick some ass when she needed to. She hadn't yet, but she knew she'd be ready the moment she had to be.

As the girls laughed over a story from Ella's time in the army, they heard the front door open and close next door. The three looked over and watched the brothers exit the house, but they simply turned away and continued with what they were doing, deciding to completely ignore the brothers. Just about that same time, the small kindergarten school bus pulled up, and Ella quickly stood to her feet.

Ella watched as Lora's little legs walked down the steps of the big school bus, before the little girl started running towards her. Ella quickly squatted down to Lora's size, before Lora ran into her and wrapped her arms around her neck loosely. Ella laughed as she hugged the girl back, and waved to the bus driver before the woman drove away.

"Aunt Donna and Aunt Rae are here." Ella murmured, causing the little girl to perk up.

Lora let go of Ella, before making her way to the front porch where her other two aunts were sitting. She greeted them both with smiles and hugs, which always seemed to brighten everyone's day. Every day when Kai came home from work, Lora would greet him with a smile and a hug, and sometimes a funny story from school or home. She was a bright and bubbly girl, and that's all anyone could hope for.

"I guess she had a kid." Dean commented, causing Sam to nod.

"Probably with that guy that lives with her. He might be her husband or something." Sam replied, making Dean shrug.

"I don't know, man. He doesn't wear a kutte, and you remember seeing her brother and all his friends wearing them when we spotted them last night on our way home." Dean said, and Sam shook his head.

"Doesn't matter, he could just not wear a kutte home, or her family decided she didn't have to have a biker for a husband." Sam answered, causing Dean to purse his lips.

"We're reading too far into this. For all we know, he could be her friend, and she could be a single mother or something." Dean commented, making Sam laugh.

"You say because you want to get into her pants," Sam replied,"I hate to break it to ya, Dean, but I don't think she likes us all that much." He added, a playful smirk on his face.

Even though he was talking with his brother, the light sting he felt from talking about Ella was there, and he couldn't stop the feeling of self anger when he thought about how he treated Ella...

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