Chapter Twenty Seven

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(Meeting Stahl; 2008)

After the Taste of Charming event, Ellyana hadn't seen Kohn again. She wondered if Jax had actually gotten the agent to leave her alone. Ellyana didn't believe that this man was a real agent as she thought about some points of the way he treated her, but she couldn't prove anything. For all she knew, some agents were more physical manipulators instead of mind manipulators.

Lora didn't have any school this week, so Ella decided to take care of her for most of the time. Kai was busy at the clubhouse, since he was trying to get money together for the holidays. It wasn't too close to the holidays, but Kai felt like he had to make up for the fact that Lux was gone. He had to give Lora the amount of gifts he'd normally give her, as well as the amount that Lux would give her. He had been doing it since Lux had passed.

"Do you want to go grocery shopping with me, or do you want to wait until Uncle Kai gets home for me to go?" Ella asked, as she grabbed a water from the fridge.

"Can I get cookies?" Lora asked, and Ella nodded.

"As long as you hurry up and get dressed. We leave in ten minutes." Ella replied, causing the girl to quickly run off towards her room.

Ella went to her own room and quickly changed into an outfit. She put on a pair of dark washed skinny jeans, knee high black boots, and a white singlet with a black and white flannel paired with it. Once Ella was dressed, she brushed her hair and put it up into a ponytail. She put on a little chapstick, before she grabbed her phone and slipped it into her pocket.

"Ready Lora?!" Ella called out, as she opened her bedroom door.

"Ready!" Lora exclaimed, as she practically jumped out of her room.

Ella lead Lora out to her car, before she opened the door to the backseat and let Lora climb in. Lora buckled her seat belt like a good girl, and Ella gave the little girl a smile. Once she was sure Lora was strapped in and safe, she climbed into the front seat and buckled herself up as well. She hated wearing a seat belt, but she wore one because she didn't want Lora trying to take hers off because nobody else was wearing one.

Ella drove them to the nearest grocery store, and Lora seemed to be rather excited about getting some cookies. It wasn't that Ella and Kai kept the cookies away from her, it was more along the lines of Lora being a cookie monster. She absolutely loved cookies, and she always wanted to eat them. The problem was, Ella was sometimes too busy to go shopping to pick up cookies, or sometimes the woman was in too much pain to go out and shop.

"Do we need a lot of stuff?" Lora asked, as they walked into the grocery store.

"We're getting about a week's worth of food, but don't worry, we'll pick out your cookies as we're walking through the store." Ella replied, and Lora grinned happily.

Lora held on to the side of the shopping cart, as Ella walked through the store grabbing things from her grocery list. The woman had made sure to make a list the day before, so she wouldn't forget to get anything. She had even asked Kai to make sure she got anything that he needed from the store. She figured if she was going, she could easily pick up anything he needed when she was out.

As Ellyana and Lora walked through the store, Ella could tell that someone was kind of following and watching them. After they went to the isle with the cookies, Ella became frustrated seeing the person follow them into the isle. Before she could say anything to the person though, the person approached her and pulled a badge from their purse.

"I'm Agent June Stahl, ATF," The woman said,"it's nice to finally meet you, Ellyana, as well as your goddaughter."

"What do you want?" Ella asked, as she crossed her arms, and Lora hid behind her.

"I was hoping you could shed some light on the motorcycle club the Sons of Anarchy," Stahl commented,"I mean, you are the sister of the VP after all."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ellyana pursed her lips,"my brother is just a mechanic and motorcycle enthusiast." She replied, causing the woman to sigh.

"You do know what can happen if you keep information to yourself, right?" Stahl threatened, and Ellyana frowned.

"I don't know what information you're trying to find, but I can promise you, you won't find anything here," Ellyana retorted,"Now, if you would leave so we can finish our shopping and go home."

"Of course, have a good day, Miss Teller," Stahl answered,"Oh," She handed Ellyana a card,"if you happen to remember anything you want to tell me." She added, a conceited smirk on her face.

Ellyana simply gave the woman a scowl, as she walked away with Lora. She definitely didn't want to see that woman again anytime soon, and if she did, it'd be too soon. She hoped that Stahl stayed the hell out of her business, otherwise some serious shit could go down.

Ellyana had a feeling that Stahl was the real deal. She knew that this woman wasn't playing, and she planned to get intel on the Sons. If anything happened to Jax because of Stahl, Ellyana would raise some hell. Her brother meant the world to her, and she wouldn't allow anyone to take him away from her for so many years. If Stahl got anything on the Sons, they could end up in prison for years, and that was something Ellyana couldn't handle. This was her family, and if she was without her family, especially with them being in a dangerous place unprotected, she'd never be able to stop worrying until she seen them again...

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