Chapter Six

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(SFC; 2006)

Lux had gotten reprimanded for not telling anyone she was pregnant, but she was still able to continue serving. Mason had been medically discharged, and he wasn't able to come back to serve. Ellyana kept in contact with Mason when she could, to make sure he didn't harm himself because of what happened to him. He seemed to be in good spirits, but she knew it could all go downhill if a depressive episode hit him.

Over the time Ellyana served, she slowly ranked up to the point of Sargent First Class, and she and Lux happened to become part of the same platoon. Ella had been worried that she would be separated from Lux, but it seemed most of their squad had ended up in the same platoon together.

The platoon were sent to a highly dangerous area to try and save the civilians that were being injured and killed because of the fighting going on in their area. Ellyana hated seeing so many children being put in such danger, but she knew the most she could do was try to protect them. She was worried about the children, and she was worried about her platoon. The area was dangerous, especially when there were multiple spots that could easily be taken out at one time.

Ellyana and Lux were sitting with others and eating. Ella had a couple of kids sitting around her eating as well, since the kids often visited the soldiers when they ate. Ella didn't mind, and neither did Lux. When they finished their meals, they would run home to their mothers and everything would go back to normal.

The day everything changed though, was November third of 2006. A couple of kids had arrived to sit with Ellyana and Lux for lunch. While they were eating, two trucks rolled up and shots were being fired at a continuous rate. Ellyana quickly grabbed the kids and pulled them behind her. She was shot in the leg while protecting the kids.

"Go! Go! Up the stairs!" She exclaimed, as she pushed the kids and Lux in the opposite direction of the fighting.

When the kids were up the stairs, Ella and a few other soldiers began to circle the top of the building to stop the shooters. Ella recieved another shot to her leg, when she saved a soldier from being shot when his weapon jammed. Luckily, the weapon was easily fixed, and the soldier thanked her for helping him. Out of nowhere, part of the building was hit with a missle, and the top began to crumble.

"Take the kids and go that way!" Ella demanded, as she pointed to one of the soldiers, and the soldier quickly complied.

Ella and the other soldiers began to fight back harder, but the building was crumbling fast. She cried out, when a bullet went through her abdomen. She didn't have much time to react though, since the shots were ringing out fast. The world seemed to go foggy, when part of the building crumbled, and Lux fell.

"Lux!" Ella exclaimed, as she ran over to the side of the building.

Ella tried to pull Lux back up, but the more she pulled, the more pain she was in, and the more the building began to crack and break.

"You have to let me go." Lux said, but Ella refused.

"No, I can't. What about Lora? How could I tell her I let her mom fall and didn't try to save her?" Ella questioned, straining as more blood oozed from her wounds.

"Protect her, Ella. She's your goddaughter. She and Kai are your family. Just love her as I do," Lux replied,"I forgive you, and I love you, sister." Lux murmured, before she forced her hand out of Ella's.

Ella watched as Lux fell to the ground below them, and immediately she was unconscious. Ella stood up to fight, as angry tears swelled in her eyes. But before she could even raise her weapon, a bullet went through her soldier. The woman fell to the ground from the impact, and immediately a soldier ran over to aid her.

"Help me up, we need to get down from here." Ella said, and the soldier nodded.

Ella's body screamed with pain, as she was lifted off the ground and to her feet. The soldier threw her good arm around his shoulder, and helped her down the stairs as fast as possible. By the time they got down the stairs, the platoon had successfully taken down all the men in the trucks.

"Bring me to Lux." Ella demanded, and the soldier complied.

Ella sat on the ground near Lux and felt for a pulse, but she didn't find one. Lux was gone, and Ella was torn. The two children she had protected were brought to their mothers, and the mothers were crying and thanking Ella and the other soldiers.

"Let me help?" A mother asked, as she looked at all the blood on Ella.

"We have a helicopter coming to transport her," A soldier informed,"if you can hold the cloth to her wound, that would help a lot." He added, right as Ella fell backwards and became unconscious.

Two soldiers and one of the mothers, held cloths to Ella's wounds as they waited for a helicopter. Once the helicopter arrived, Ella was loaded up and quickly transported to a hospital. The moment she was in a hospital, her brother recieved a phone call that would cause his body to run cold.

"Is this Mr. Jackson Teller?" Was the question Jax heard when he answered the phone.

"Who's asking?" He asked, not wanting it to be an enemy.

"This is Lieutenant Carson Rhodes," The man replied,"You are the brother of Ms. Teller, correct?" He asked, and Jax's heart began to beat rapidly.

"Yes, I'm Jax. What's wrong? What happened?" Jax asked, and he heard the man sigh.

"Your sister was injured in combat yesterday," Lieutenant Rhodes replied,"She's being flown to St. Thomas Memorial in Charming, as we speak. I was informed that this is the hospital you'd prefer." The man stated, and Jax's body felt ice cold.

"Is she okay?" Jax asked, feeling tears build in his eyes.

"She's in a coma, as far as we know, and do to her injuries, we've medically discharged her from service." The man answered, and Jax couldn't help but let a tear slip.

His sister was hurt, and he wasn't there to protect her...

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