Chapter Eighteen

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(Confrontation; 2008)

Jax had still felt unsettled about the news of the Winchesters moving back to Charming, especially to a house right next to Ellyana. Sam had hurt Ellyana so bad, and not once had he even tried to send her an explanation for the way he acted. His sister deserved better, and he knew that for a fact.

He kept the news to himself though, knowing that the guys would want to storm the Winchester house with guns blazing. He didn't blame them, but he also didn't want to cause any problems. Ellyana had made him promise not to cause trouble with them, and he was going to keep that promise...somewhat.

When he and Juice had to go pick something up for Ellyana, Jax spotted Dean and Sam. Sam was off in his own little world doing something Jax couldn't really see, and Dean was bored and waiting on his brother. Jax could tell it wasn't anything important, simply by the way Dean was acting.

"Do you know them?" Juice asked, motioning to the two brothers.

"They're the Winchesters, they use to live here a few years back. Sam's the tall one, and he made my sister cry on her graduation. Dean is the shorter one, but he's the older brother. He liked starting shit with me in school. They're both assholes, and they moved into the house next to Ellyana." Jax replied, causing Juice to frown.

"Have they talked to her since they moved in?" Juice asked, making Jax shake his head.

"Not that I know of, but Ella will keep things like that from me if she thinks I'm gonna flip out." He answered, and Juice chuckled.

"Well, let's just get the stuff she wanted and leave. You don't even have to see them." Juice commented, causing Jax to nod.

Jax and Juice headed to where the stuff was that Ellyana needed. Raelyn told her that the stuff would work best when her shoulder acted up, at least, for some pain relief, and she agreed to using it. She wanted anything that would help her not have to get surgery.

Jax and Juice had offered to go get the stuff for her, since she was really hurting and everyone else was busy. Raelyn had her own doctor's appointment, but it wasn't for anything serious, just a regular test she had for her asthma every six months. She had been getting the tests run on her since she was around eleven years old.

Anyhow, while Jax and Juice were looking for the exact product Raelyn had mentioned, Jax heard whispering from down the isle. He ignored it at first, but it soon became too much to ignore. He looked over and his eyes landed on the Winchesters. His eyes hardened immediately, but they didn't seem to get the hint.

"You got a starin' problem?" Juice questioned, crossing his arms.

Juice might not have been a scary guy, but he didn't like when his brothers were messed with. He also knew that if Jax needed backup, he'd be there immediately. He would never back down from a fight, not after everything the club had did for him.

"And you are?" Dean asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Juice." He replied, and Dean chuckled.

"You think his name is funny?" Jax retorted,"How old are you, Winchester?"

"How old do I look?" Dean rhetorically asked, as a smirk placed itself on his face.

"Why the hell are you back in Charming?" Jax asked, a glare set on his face like stone.

"We can't move back to a place we used to call home?" Dean questioned, trying to act innocent.

"You were here a few weeks, that's it," Jax retorted,"and after the way your brother treated my sister, you better be glad we haven't kicked your asses yet."

"Try me, Kurt Cobain." Dean taunted, giving Jax his obvious 'bitch' face.

Jax had enough of Dean's attitude almost instantly. He grabbed Dean's shirt and shoved him against the store shelves. Sam went to interfere, but Juice stopped him. Juice wasn't a big guy, but he could do what he needed to when necessary.

"If I see either of you around my sister, I will kill you. You're lucky I'm keeping the club off your backs, for now, if you keep on with your shit, I'll let them know exactly where you are and what you're up to." Jax warned, and Dean simply glared at him.

When Jax let him go, Dean brushed himself off. He was pissed. He hadn't even done anything to Jax's sister, but now he wondered if he should approach her just to piss him off. It was a bad idea, but Dean was full of bad ideas sometimes.

"I didn't even do anything to your bitch of a sister," Dean retorted,"If she's got a problem with me, she can take it up with me, instead of sending her attack dogs."

Before he or Jax could move, Juice had swung his fist straight into Dean's face. Dean's nose began gushing blood almost immediately, and Jax couldn't stop the smirk that played on his face. Dean was going to see just how easily he could piss off anyone in the club when it came to talking about Ellyana or anyone else they cared for.

"You've been warned," Jax snapped,"Stay the hell away from Ella."

Jax grabbed the product he and Juice had came for, before they walked to the register to check out like nothing had happened. They definitely weren't going to tell Ellyana what happened, not unless she asked. If the Winchesters confronted her, then Jax would handle them.

Sam grabbed a rag from one of the shelves and handed it to Dean. Dean covered his gushing nose, and let out a groan. His nose was definitely busted, if not broken. He was pissed, but he knew if he tried anything, there was a definite chance everything could just get a lot worse for him and Sam...

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