Chapter Fifteen

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(Now; 2008)

Ella had been back in Charming for two years. She didn't feel like the odd one out anymore, like she had when she had first gotten back to her hometown. Kai and Lora had been living with her for two years, and Lora had just turned six years old a couple of days ago. Actually, Ella and Lora shared the same birthday, and so they shared a party thrown by Gemma, as well as a family dinner that was hosted at Gemma and Clay's house.


"Today's your birthday?" Lora asked, and Ella nodded.

"Yep, I'm twenty five today." The older woman replied, causing Lora's eyebrows to furrow.

"Today's my birthday." Lora said, making Ella smile.

"We share a birthday, Lora." Ella commented, making Lora frown.

"I'm sorry I stole your birthday, Aunt Ella, I can change it to tomorrow if you don't want to share." Lora replied, causing Ella to pull the girl into a hug, and kiss the top of her head.

"I love sharing a birthday with you," Ella replied,"there's not another person in the world that I'd ever want to share a birthday with." She added, and Lora grinned.

"I love you, Aunt Ella." The little girl murmured, making Ella smile again.

"I love you, too, Melora." The woman answered, hugging her just a little bit tighter.

**End of Flashback**

When Ella told Gemma about what Lora had said, Gemma went above and beyond to make sure the girl had an amazing shared birthday. She even went so far as to make a two sided cake with both girls' names on it, and she made sure they had the same amount of presents and things. The two girls had even gotten stuff for each other, though the stuff from Lora was a complete surprise to Ella, and it warmed her heart immensely.

Anyway, while Lora was at school, Ella was busy cleaning up the house. The garage seemed to be backed up for the last couple of days, so Kai was constantly busy. Ella understood though, so she never complained when she had to clean the house or do the shopping by herself. When she wasn't busy at home, she often popped over to TM or the clubhouse to do some work.

Working with Rae had made things easier for Ella, for the most part. Her shoulder was still pretty bad, but Rae figured if Ella was careful, she wouldn't have to get the surgery. If she caused anymore damage to it, even just the slightest accidental strain to the shoulder, she could potentially end up needing the surgery.

Ella's PTSD had lessened as well, meaning seeing weapons didn't trigger an episode anymore. She had even even able to stand with Jax when he was shooting, and it didn't cause her to panic. She hadn't tried out using a firearm herself yet, but she wasn't sure she was quite ready for it yet. Truth be told, she hadn't even touched anything other than a knife since she was medically discharged.

While mopping the floor in the kitchen, she heard the rumble of a car engine. She glanced out the window and she seen a beautiful black car pulling into the driveway of the house next to hers. Ella felt a sense of recognition wash over her, before she realized she knew the car. The moment the two men stepped out of the car, her heart skipped a beat in her chest. That car was the 1967 Chevy Impala that she remembered from high school, and the two men were Sam and Dean Winchester.

She felt the bitter push of sadness wash over her for a moment, when she remembered the boys, especially Sam. He had forgotten about her, completely blew her off, and then years later they were back like nothing happened. Well, obviously they weren't back like old times, but it seemed they were moving to Charming, instead of staying in a hotel for a month, before they ran off somewhere for a few more years.

Ella quickly finished the kitchen, before she placed her mop back in its specific place. If it wasn't obvious, Ella had OCD, meaning she often liked to keep things organized, neat, and in order. She counted almost everything she ate, she hated odd numbers, and sometimes her OCD could be so bad, that she'd count exactly how many pieces of candy were in a brand new bag of jelly beans or gummies. If the candy count was odd, she'd either throw a piece away, or have Kai or Lora eat it so she didn't have to. She physically could not force herself to eat an odd number of almost anything, unless it was a burger, salad, piece of pie, etc.

Anyhow, Ella headed outside to pick up the pool toys and clean out the small pool. She had gotten a small pool for Lora, one that she'd be able to clean easily and fill up whenever it needed to be filled. The pool had been dumped out two days ago, and once the ground was dry, Ella had mowed the lawn. She had actually mowed the lawn this morning, but she had a lot of house work to do before she could clean and fill up the pool.

She used a sturdy, soft brush to clean every inch of the pool, before she rinsed it out with the water hose. Once it was rinsed, she began to fill up the pool. She brought the few pool toys to the porch to clean up later. As soon as the pool was filled, she carried the toys inside and washed them in the sink, before bringing them outside. She placed them in the pool toy basket, and sat it next to the pool. As she did this, she could feel eyes on her, so she discretely looked up and seen the brothers looking over at her as they grabbed stuff from their car. The girl simply ignored them and went back inside for the day, at least until she had to wait outside for Lora's school bus.

"That girl looks familiar to you too, right?" Sam asked, and Dean nodded.

"We probably seen her when we went to school here." Dean answered, causing Sam to quietly gasp.

"Ella," He murmured,"Ella Teller."

Dean barely remembered much about Ella, but what he realized now was that the girl was absolutely beautiful; more beautiful than any of the girls he'd ever been around...

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