Chapter Thirty Nine

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(Abel; 2008)

The next day, Ellyana spent most of her time at Jax's place helping her mother get everything ready for the party. Ellyana was the one running back and forth to the store to pick things up that they needed. By the time they were finished, people were starting to show up for the party. Ellyana didn't know that while she was working, Dean and Sam had found Jax, so they could clear the air.


"Jax, do you mind if we talk?" Dean asked, as the caught him outside a store.

"What?" Jax questioned, as he crossed his arms in front of his chest.

He was still feeling rather agitated over the Tara incident, so he wasn't too excited to see the Winchesters.

"Look, man, for the sake of Ella, I was hoping the three of us could end whatever feud we had from high school. Let it all go, and maybe we can be civil." Dean said, making Jax sigh.

"Why do you care what Ella wants?" Jax asked, his eyebrow raised.

"Well, Ella and I, we're kinda dating." Dean answered, causing Jax to groan.

"Are you fucking serious?" Jax questioned, and Dean nodded.

"If it makes you feel any better, they really do care for each other." Sam commented, making Jax sigh.

"Fine, but don't do shit to make her upset. If you upset my sister, you'll be meeting Mr. Mayhem." Jax replied, before he turned and headed towards his bike.

"Well, that went better than I thought it would." Dean said, causing Sam to shake his head with a sigh.


Everyone showed up before Jax and Abel, but that was how it was supposed to be. When Jax and Abel finally showed up, everyone took turns holding the little boy. He was absolutely adorable, and to be honest, it almost made Ellyana want a baby. She just knew that she and Dean weren't ready for that, they had barely been together for a day.

Later, Lora was starting to get tired, so Ellyana decided she'd bring the little girl home. Jax had Kai go with them, since he wanted his sister and Lora protected at all times. He was just being the protective brother he always had been, and Ellyana would never change that about him.

Once they got home, Ellyana put Lora to bed, before she invited Dean to come over and hang out with her. It was still a bit early, so she didn't think having Dean around would be too bad. He'd go home once it got late and she got tired.

"I apologized to your brother," Dean said,"We're good now."

"That's great," She smiled,"I was worried you guys would hate each other forever and--" She was cut off by the sound of her phone.

She apologized, before grabbing her phone and answering it.

"What's up?" She asked, before she heard a sigh on the other end.

"You need to get here," Jax gave her a location,"Donna was attacked. She's still alive, but they're not sure she's gonna make it. I thought you'd want to see her before they try to get her to St. Thomas." Jax said, and immediately Ellyana was on her feet.

"What's wrong?" Dean asked, as he followed her outside.

"Donna was shot," She answered, her voice shaking,"They're not sure she's going to make it."

"I'm coming with you." He said, and no questions were asked, Ellyana drove straight to the place Jax told her to go.

It wasn't far, before she seen all the cop cars. She quickly jumped out of her car and ran towards the guys and Donna. Dean was hot on her heels, and she didn't know, but he had called for his friend. Barely a moment later, a man in a trench coat seemed to appear out of nowhere. He came over to Ellyana and Donna, before he placed two fingers on Donna's head.

"Hey! Who are you?! What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Ellyana exclaimed, as she stood up to defend Donna.

"I am Castiel, an angel of the lord. I am a friend of Dean's, he asked me to come here and heal your friend. She is healed now, but she will need rest. An overnight stay at the hospital will work best." The man answered, and Ellyana stared at him with confused and slightly frightened eyes.

The man disappeared in front of her eyes, and she almost fainted. Never in her life had she ever seen anything like that, but the man mentioned Dean, meaning Dean had to know who that guy was. She needed answers, and she needed them immediately.

"We're going to load her up, all of you can follow us to St. Thomas." An EMT said, and Ellyana simply nodded.

As soon as she had the chance, she walked away and grabbed Dean's arm. She told him to go to her car, and he could tell she was mad.

"Who the hell was that?!" She exclaimed, making him sigh.

"He told you who he was." Dean replied, causing her to frown.

"Quit playing shit with me, Dean Winchester." She snapped, and he sighed.

"Look, he really is an angel. You might not believe it, but all that shit you thought was fake; demons, ghosts, vampires, werewolves, wendigos, and all the other shit is real. It's why Sam and I left years ago, but we took care of it. Everything's better now, just don't trust the angels. They're dicks, other than Cas." He said, making her sigh.

"Dean, if you're fucking with me--" He cut her off.

"I'm not, I promise. This isn't shit to joke about. It's real. It's how I lost my mom and my dad. I'm not gonna joke about it like it's some game. It's dangerous." He stated, and she nodded silently.

He was right, none of it was a joke. That didn't mean Ellyana believed him right off the bat, but she was going to learn to believe him. She just hoped that he didn't keep such big secrets from her about stuff like that anymore...

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