Chapter Thirteen

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(Prospect's Sister; 2007)

Later that day, a curly, redheaded girl pulled up in the lot. She was really pretty, but Ellyana could almost immediately spot that she was related to the prospect. They had the same face, and their smile was identical.

"Kip!" The girl exclaimed, running over to the prospect.

HalfSack caught the girl, as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I just seen you yesterday, Rae." HalfSack told his sister, but the girl simply laughed.

"I know, but I missed you. I was gone for a few years and so were you, so we didn't get to see each much until now." She replied, making the man simply smile.

"Come sit at the picnic table, we've got some things to talk about." HalfSack said, and his sister nodded.

The two sat down at the table across from Ella and Jax, and the girls smiled at each other. Ella could hear Juice and Kai yelling to each other over the sound of a motorcycle they were working on. She almost laughed when she heard Kai curse at Juice for touching the hot motor without gloves. Luckily, Donna had agreed to watch over Lora for a few hours, so Ella could try and get her shoulder to stop acting up.

"Rae, meet my friend Jax, and his little sister Ella," HalfSack introduced, leaving out any mention of the club,"guys, this is my little sister, Raelyn, but everyone calls her Rae." He added, and the three shook hands and greeted each other.

"So, your brother told us that you're a physical therapist, is that true?" Jax asked, trying to see if the prospect lied to get into the good graces of the VP.

"Yes, but since I don't have a job, I don't know if it counts anymore." She replied, causing Jax to chuckle.

"A degree is a degree, rather you have a job or not." Jax commented, and the girl nodded with a smile.

"Well, Rae, I was wondering if you could help me with my physical therapy. My physical therapist isn't amazing, and I'm tired of his shit. I have good days and bad days with my shoulder, and he tells me to exercise when I feel like it hurts too much. I don't even know if that's a good idea, since I have so much nerve and tendon damage." Ella said, and Rae nodded while listening.

"So, I would say more physical therapy, honestly. Like, you and I could work together every other day, or every two days. On your bad days, I can come and try to help ease the pain in some nonprescription ways. I can also get an honest look at how you're working yourself and if you may need to get tests run on your shoulder." Rae answered, causing Ella to sigh.

"When I was in the hospital, the doctor said there was a chance I'd need surgery, or multiple like reconstruction surgeries and such. I don't know the exact information, since I was still woozy from the painkillers, but I think I still have my paperwork and stuff from the day I checked out of the hospital. I can let you look it over, see what you think." Ella replied, and Rae quickly agreed.

"I'd definitely prefer that," Rae said,"Also, do you mind if I ask how you got injured?" She asked, causing Jax and Ella to stop breathing for a second.

"Uh, I can tell you, but neither of you need to go questioning Kai about it, do you understand?" She demanded, and they furrowed their eyebrows.

"Kai?" Rae asked, causing Ella to turn around and point to the Gilbert man.

"That's Kai, and when I tell you what happened, you'll understand why I don't want you to question him." She responded, and the two nodded.

"We promise to stay quiet." HalfSack answered, feeling a shutter run down his spine at the glare he recieved from Ella.

Her glare was almost as icy as Jax's and as scary as Gemma's. Honestly, he definitely didn't want to get on her bad side.

"So, long story short, I was in the army for six years," Ella began, and Rae took in a sharp breath, knowing where the story was going,"I met this woman named Luxana Gilbert, but everyone called her Lux. She was my best friend there, and she was practically like a sister to me. Her daughter is my goddaughter, and she and Kai live with me. On November third of two thousand six, two large trucks ambushed. Men jumped out and started firing at us. I got shot two times in the leg, once in the abdomen, and once in my shoulder. While we were on top of the building, someone hit the roof with a missle launcher, and the roof started crumbling. Lux fell, and I tried to pull her up, resulting in two broken ribs, a lot of blood loss, and tearing the muscle in my shoulder. There was intense damage to my shoulder; torn muscle, a bullet wound, nerve damage, tissue damage, and ligament damage. Lux died that day, and once I was released from the hospital, I went straight to her brother and daughter to tell them what happened. Then I invited them to live with me." Ella summed up, and Rae had to hold back tears.

"She saved a soldier's life that day, taking a bullet in the process, but losing Lux was one of the hardest things she had ever had to deal with." Jax commented, rubbing his sister's back to try and comfort her.

"Do you have problems with PTSD, nightmares, panic attacks, depression, or anything else because of the loss or because of your injuries?" Rae asked, trying to be completely professional.

"Definitely PTSD, and certain weapons and noises can set off a panic attack. I don't really allow myself to be depressed or guilty, because I know I did everything I could, even if it didn't feel like enough at the time. I know for a fact I get emotional when my shoulder acts up. I can get really angry, but Kai's caught me crying a few times because of the pain or because I dropped something and was mad at myself." Ella admitted, looking down in shame.

"Don't worry, Ella, you and I will have you feeling a lot better in time, I promise. I will try to keep you from having to get surgery." Rae said, and Ella smiled slightly.

Ella really didn't want to go for a surgery, especially since she had heard stories of the anesthesia setting off soldiers' PTSD...

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