chapter 34

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"Anna, would you say your vows?" I nodded and Gemma handed me my folded up piece of paper. I shakily unfolded it and took a deep breath before reading.

"Haz, where do I even start? You've been my best friend since we were born and now here we are. You and I both know how sucky I am at words, so this will be short. You are my rock. I am so grateful that you have always been here for me when I needed you and I will always be here for you. Your dumb knock knock jokes never fail to make me laugh and even though I always say I hate it, I secretly like when you call me Anna Banana." Harry laughed a little and I smiled. "I promise to laugh at your jokes, let you grow you hair as long as you want but most importantly, I promise to love you forever."

"Anna banana," Harry smirked and I laughed a little. "First of all, we made it. Through everything that has changed in our lives, you have always been my constant. Whenever I fall, you are there to pick me up, me doing the same for you. I can't imagine my life without you and I never want to have to live that. I promise to always go get Panda Express in the middle of the night with you and let you cry on my shoulder during your chick flicks. I promise to always be there for you when you fall and I will love you unconditionally for the rest of my life."

We both repeated the traditional wedding vows and slipped each other's rings on. Harry's hands were sweating so he almost dropped mine, causing me to laugh a little. After we were situated, the pastor pronounced us husband and wife. Harry put his hands on my cheeks and leaned in to kiss me. I held onto his torso and smiled into the kiss as the congregation cheered. Harry pulled back with a goofy smile on his face and he interlocked his right hand with my left. As we walked down the aisle, I caught a familiar face. My mum.

"Harry," I tugged on his jacket sleeve and he turned to face me. "My mum is here." Harry followed my gaze and furrowed his eyebrows before we fast walked down the rest of the aisle.

"Why is she here?" He asked once we were out in the hallway.

"I don't know. I sent her an invitation but she never said she was coming." I stumbled over my words and Harry wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Just don't let it bother you." He mumbled. "I'm not gonna let her ruin our day."

"Thanks." I let out a deep breath and stood on my tip toes to kiss him. "You clean up nice, Styles."

"You look beautiful, Styles." He shot back and I smiled.

All the bridesmaids and groomsmen came out and hugged us. Harry gripped my hand and I looked up at him to see a frown on his face. After following his gaze, I saw my mum standing in the small doorway. I let go of his hand and pushed through my friends to stand in front of the woman who I would have never liked to see again.

"Why are you here?" I asked before she could even say hello.

"I wanted to apologize." She said and I rolled my eyes. "You look beautiful, sweetie."

"What is there to apologize for?"

"I never told you how sorry I was when I left. I regret leaving you with your father every day."

"You should be sorry about leaving me with him. He hit me every day and emotionally abused me every chance he got. I could never forgive you for leaving me with that monster that was my father." I said and she sighed. "I think you should leave."

"Excuse me?" Mum raised her eyebrows and I stood my ground.

"I would like it if you left. This is Harry and I's day and I don't want you here to ruin it."

After a few more minutes of arguing, Mum finally left and I let out a breath of relief, walking back into the dressing room where everyone was standing. I went over to Harry and he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling my closer.

"All good?" He whispered in my ear and I nodded, looking up at him. Harry leaned down and kissed me and I pulled away after seeing a flash in my peripheral vision.

"Cute picture." Lou said and I smiled as she held up her phone.


"Can we have the newlyweds out on the dance floor?" The DJ said into the microphone and I took a small drink of my wine before standing up from my chair.

Harry held out a hand and I intertwined my fingers with his large ones. We walked out onto the empty dance floor that was lowly lit and I kicked my dress out of the way of my feet. Harry wrapped his arms around my waist and I put my hands around the back of his neck. He pulled me closer and I looked up into his green eyes. Ed walked up onto the small platform and plugged his guitar into the loop pedal. The opening chords of Kiss Me started playing and we swayed back and forth in our own little bubble.

"You know, babe, you should really listen to what Ed is saying." Harry winked at me and I rolled my eyes. "One on the cheek, at least?" I giggled and stood on my tip toes to give him a kiss on the cheek. At the last second, Harry turned his head and his lips met mine.

"Harry Styles, cheeky boy." I laughed and pulled back to see him smirking.

"Anna Styles, you should know me by now." I smiled at what he called me and toyed with the hair at the base of his neck.

"So are you going to tell me where you're taking me for our honeymoon?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"You really wanna know?" He teased and I rolled my eyes, nodding. "How would you feel about Greece?"

"Sounds perfect."

Harry smiled down at me and then pressed a kiss to my forehead, tugging me closer to him. I giggled as he clumsily stepped on the hem of my dress and he leaned his head into my shoulder. He looked back down at me and I smiled as he leaned down and kissed me. I laughed as Harry peppered kisses all over my face and the song finally came to a close.

"I love you, Mrs. Styles." Harry whispered.

"And I love you, Mr. Styles."

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