chapter 17

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I grabbed a cup and poured straight vodka in it before making my way outside. Hugging my sweater closer to my body, I sat down on the grass and pulled out my thing of cigarettes. After lighting it, I blew smoke into the air and listened to the music coming from inside. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turned around to see Ed walking towards me. He sat down and put his beer on the grass.

"Mind if I join you?" He asked and I shook my head, holding the cigarette box out for him to take one. "Is that straight vodka?" He asked, motioning to the cup that was pressed to my lips.

"Maybe." I mumbled and took a gulp, cringing as it burned my throat. Ed blew smoke into the air and I took another drag.

"Damn, I didn't think you would be a hard drinker." He laughed and I smiled a little.

"I drank a whole bottle a week ago." I said and then frowned, realizing what I had just told him. "Sorry, I shouldn't have told you that."

"It's fine." I blew the smoke out of my nose and let out a breath.

"You look like you need a milkshake." Ed said a moment later and I raised an eyebrow at him. "I'm the best milkshake maker around." He nudged my shoulder with his and I smiled a little.

"I've got a blender and some ice cream at my apartment." I spoke up and he smiled, standing up.

I stood up too and stepped on my cigarette to put it out and grabbed my stuff before following Ed to the cars. We walked to my car and I got in the drivers seat, him following suit. Ed immediately turned the radio on and made it to some rap station.

"What the hell is this?" I laughed and backed out of Louis' giant house lot and made my way to the main road.

"Absolute shit music but I am pretty drunk right now." He laughed and I shook my head with a laugh, keeping my eyes on the road.

"I'm just gonna apologize in advance for the mess of my apartment. I just moved in a while ago and things aren't sorted out all the way." I said as we walked down the hall of my floor.

I put my key in the door and pushed it open, flipping the lights on. We walked inside and I locked it behind us, turning on all the main lights. Ed kind of looked around before going into the kitchen. I helped get the supplies out and he plugged in the blender.

"Would you happen to have chocolate flavored alcohol?" He asked suddenly and I nodded, smiling, before grabbing a bottle from my cabinet. "Okay, sit and watch the master do his magic."


I fluttered my eyes open, taking in my surroundings. I was in my bed but something was different. I looked down and noticed that all I was wearing was Ed's dress shirt and underwear. I sat up in the messy bed and noticed a small piece of paper on the opposite pillow.

First of all, no we didn't do anything last night. Second, I had a meeting this morning and didn't have the heart to wake you. Third, call me and we can get in the studio soon.
P.S. I want my shirt back.

I laughed a little and rubbed the sleep from my eyes before swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I threw my hair up into a bun and walked to the bathroom to get some ibuprofen. After taking two pills, I went to the kitchen to see the blender still out and an empty bottle of chocolate liquor. I cleaned up the mess and grabbed an egg out of the fridge to cook.

"Float down, like autumn leaves." I quickly picked up my phone and it was Niall.

"Hey, Anna." I furrowed my eyebrows, he has never called me before.

"Hi," I said hesitantly and stirred the egg in the pan, watching as it got less runny.

"Do you wanna go get lunch?" He asked and I looked down at the egg.

"Yeah, sure." After sorting out the details, I threw the egg away and went to my bathroom to get ready.


"I fucking love Nandos." Niall groaned as he took a bite of his food.

"I've never been here before." I poked around at my salad and took a sip of water, watching Niall's eyes widen.

"Anna Wolff, I cannot be your friend anymore." I laughed and took a small bite, seeing as Niall was watching me like a hawk. "So I saw you and Ed leave together last night." He wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed.

"Yeah we went to my apartment and made alcoholic milkshakes." I shrugged and Niall laughed. "But nothing happened, if that's what you were implying."

"You should have come and got me. I love anything with alcohol." He laughed and took a huge bite of his chicken.

"I think you had already had enough of that last night." I shook my head and stabbed a piece of lettuce with my fork.

"I do remember you running out though." He commented and I slouched in my chair, not wanting to bring it up. "We called Harry this morning and yelled at him."

"Why would you yell at him? He was just kissing someone on New Years. Everyone does it." I mumbled the last part.

"Yeah, but we all saw how you reacted and we know how you feel about him."

"He doesn't feel that way about me anymore. I'm just done with it all." I angrily shoved a bite in my mouth and Niall stifled a laugh. "He made it perfectly clear how he feels."

"He was just pissed at himself because he thought it was his fault. Harry's just being an ass."

"He's always been an ass."

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