chapter 16

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"I need to see Anna Wolff." I breathed out to the receptionist and as her gaze landed on me, her eyes widened.

"Oh my god, you're Harry-"

"Styles." I turned to my left to see Tracy, standing there with her arms crossed. "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see her." She stopped in front of me. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine, but you can't see Anna." I furrowed my eyebrows. "When she finally woke up, the doctor had her make a list of why she did what she thought was necessary."

"Please tell me that I'm not on that list." I felt my voice falter and took a seat in a plastic waiting chair.

"I'm sorry, I know how you feel about her." She patted my shoulder. "I'll call a taxi."


"Hey, girlie, how are you feeling?" Tracy walked into my hospital room and I fiddled with the blanket, not answering her question. "You don't have to talk if you don't want, but I'll be here if you want me." She gave me a small smile and I kept my gaze down.

"Alright, how are we doing?" Doctor Parks came in with a smile on his face and I shrugged, suddenly finding the wall very interesting. "Any pain or aches?" He asked and I shook my head.

"When can she go home?" Tracy asked, knowing that I hated doctors.

"We're gonna keep her overnight and she can leave tomorrow morning." He said and I nodded. "But, we have prescribed you an anti-depressant and you're going to need to schedule a therapy session once a week." I nodded and finally looked up. "You better get some rest."

Tracy told me goodbye and left. I tried to make myself comfortable in the stiff bed but it was hard. I had gotten so used to having Harry in the same bunk as me, that when I'm all alone, it's hard to sleep. I tucked myself up under the white blanket and turned onto my side, shutting my eyes.


"Are you coming to Louis' New Years party?" Liam asked as I walked back into my living room.

"Louis hates me." I snorted and sat down on the couch, opposite of Niall. "I already have extravagant plans of Netflix and chocolate."

"Oh, c'mon. You gotta come." Niall gave me a pointed look and I rolled my eyes, taking a drink of my water. "What's a party without a wolf?"

"That was the worst one I've heard yet, I think." I laughed and Liam just rolled his eyes, propping his feet up on the coffee table. "Hey, no feet on the furniture." I playfully scolded.


New Years Eve

I straightened the last piece of freshly dyed blue hair and ran my fingers through it, making the curls looser. I grabbed my makeup bag and pulled out concealer. After making my face look at least presentable, I did my dark eyeshadow and winged eyeliner. After swiping on some mascara and curling my eyelashes, I went into my bedroom to figure out what to wear. I finally decided on a gold, body-con shirt with black jeans and gold heels. I slipped on a black leather jacket and grabbed my phone and purse. Here we go.


"Anna!" Niall slurred and slung an arm across my shoulders. "You made it."

"How much have you had to drink, Niall?" I laughed and he just stared at me blankly.

"What?" He asked and I laughed, spotting Liam walking towards us.

"Hey! Just a forewarning, that Brandon guy is in the other room." He said and I rolled my eyes. "How's it going?"

"Thanks for the warning. And it is going alright." He smiled and waved someone over. A girl with dark brown hair and a white dress walked over and Liam put his arm around her shoulders. "This is Sophia, my girlfriend. Sophia this is Anna who opened for us on the tour."

"It's nice to meet you." She smiled and I nodded, having heard about her a few times. "Do you guys want a drink? I was about to go get some for everyone."

"I'll take one." Liam and Niall both said at the same time.

"Wanna help me carry?" Sophia asked and I laughed, before following her to the kitchen. "Thank god there is another girl here that isn't completely wasted."

"Yeah, I don't drink." I mumbled and filled a red cup with beer for Niall. "So, how long have you and Liam been together?"

"Just a few months, but we went to middle school together." I smiled a little. "What about you and Harry?"

"Oh, we broke up a while ago." I said awkwardly and she gasped. "It's okay, you didn't know." I laughed as she looked so scared that I would flip out.

"Let's go party." Sophia suggested and I nodded, walking with her to the main room.


"Holy shit." I muttered and tugged on Liam's arm. "That's Ed Sheeran."

"Yeah," He smiled and before I could stop him, he called him over.

"Liam! I'm gonna make a fool out of myself. He's like my fucking spirit animal." I whisper yelled to him and Sophia laughed.

"Hey mate." Ed said once he was in front of us and I felt like I was gonna faint. "You're Anna Wolff, right?" He asked, turning to me and I nodded, not finding my voice. "I've heard a few of your songs, they sound really cool."

"Thanks. I'm a big fan of your work." I stumbled over my words and Liam snickered as I got all flustered.

"We should get in the studio sometime." He suggested, taking a drink of his beer and I eagerly nodded.

"Yeah, totally." I smiled and Ed put his number in my phone before walking off to go get another drink.

"Hey! The countdown is starting." Someone in the living room yelled and we all gathered around the giant TV displaying the ball drop in New York.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5." Everyone around me started finding their New Years kiss and I just stood near Niall, seeing as he was too wasted to find anyone. "4, 3, 2, 1!"

Everyone cheered and kissed and little poppers started going off. Someone shouted Harry's name and on the TV it showed him kissing Taylor Swift in Tomes Square. My breath got trapped in my throat and Niall put his arm around me, kind of sobering up.

"He looks so much happier than he was a month ago." Someone commented and and I shoved out of Niall's embrace, making my way to the kitchen.

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