chapter 33

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"I've gotta go, babe." I mumbled against Anna's lips and she sighed, pulling away from me. "Gemma would kill me if she found out I was in here all night."

"There's a fire escape out of my window." She whispered and climbed off of my lap. I stood up from the bed and stretched before putting my boots and coat on.

"See you at the alter?" I asked as Anna opened her window, smiling a little at me.

"I won't miss it." She wrapped her small arms around my torso, looking up at me and I ran my thumbs across her blushed cheeks. "I love you, Haz."

"I love you too, Anna banana." I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

I climbed out of the window and down the small ladder. I pushed my hood over my head and walked down the sidewalk in the direction of the hotel. I smiled a little to myself, thinking about what was gonna happen in the next twelve hours. After the short walk to the hotel, I went up the elevator and walked to the room that I shared with Liam, quietly sneaking in. Seeing as he was still asleep, I slowly took off my coat and shoes, climbing into my separate bed. As soon as I closed my eyes, Louis and Niall burst into the room. I groaned, burying my head into the pillow and they started jumping on my bed.

"Guys, it's only eight AM. Give me at least two hours." I groaned and they stopped, all piling on top of me.

"C'mon, Harry, it's the big day." Louis teased and I flicked him off.

"Can I just sleep?" I mumbled and looked up from the pillow.

"Geez, mate, you look like shit." Niall laughed and they finally got off of me.

"You get three hours." Liam said and the boys left my room. I finally made myself comfortable in the hotel bed and fell asleep within minutes.


After Harry climbed down the fire escape, I practically fell into my bed, exhaustion taking over. The nostalgia that was flowing through me vanished and all I felt was tired. I curled up in the covers and made myself comfortable. After what felt like thirty seconds, my bedroom door opened. I shoved a pillow over my head.

"Two hours please." I begged before Gemma could even say something.

"Damn, it's like you and Harry have the same sleep schedule. Niall just called and said that Harry asked for three." Gemma half laughed and I sighed, just wanting to sleep. "You can have three, but then we'll have to shove breakfast down your throat and get to the nail place."

"Thanks, Gem." I called out as she left and finally drifted off into sleep.

6 hours later

"I'm almost finished." Lou said and her tongue poked out of her lips in concentration as she did my makeup. "Done!" She smiled at her work and spun me around to look in the mirror.

"I love it." I smiled and she let out a breath of relief. I had on semi-dark eye makeup and my lips were a red color that made my brown eyes pop. She had also done my hair in a small up do. It was twisted up a certain way below my ears and she had placed a flower crown, sort of headband on. It looked perfect.

"Anna, your lips were practically raw. What did you do?" She asked and my eyes widened.

"I was biting them all night because of nerves, y'know." I lied and smiled a little to myself. Last night will be me and Harry's little secret.

"Let's get you dressed." Gemma brought in the bagged up dress from the boutique and hung it up on the wall.

I went over and unzipped the bag, smiling at the dress. Lou pulled it out and me and her both walked into the dressing room. As I stepped out of my tank top and shorts, I noticed Lou glance at my scars. She was the only one in the room who knew about it but she had never seen them before. I gave her a reassuring smiled as if saying that I was okay and she helped me get the dress on. I had to wear a sticky bra that only stuck to my boobs in the front because the dress was so low cut in the back. After laughing about trying to put that on, I stepped out of the small bathroom and they all smiled at me. After Lou had all the buttons in the back done up, I stepped in front of the mirror. I barely recognized myself.

"We need you ladies to line up." Paul said, walking into the room with our bouquets. As we filed out of the room, I clutched the bundle of light blue flowers in my hands, afraid that I would pass out.

"Harry is so lucky to have you." Gemma said as the other bridesmaids went through the doors and down the aisle.

"Thank you so much for walking me down. I don't think I could do it if you weren't here." Gemma smiled and I heard the bridal march start.

"You ready, sis?" She asked and I linked my arm with hers.

"As I'll ever be." I replied and the doors opened.

I kept my focus on not falling and before I knew it, I was standing in front of Harry, handing my bouquet to Gemma. He grabbed my hands and shot me a smile. I returned it and the preacher opened his bible.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to bring together these two people in holy matrimony."

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