chapter 23

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"I have cancer." The minute I uttered those words, Harry's face paled and he opened his mouth to talk but closed it a moment later.

"Cancer?" His voice broke and I nodded. "Is that what caused it?"

"Yeah," I whispered and Harry intertwined our fingers.

"Marry me." Harry said after a minute and I frowned.

"Don't say that." I stood up, him following me to the kitchen.

"I'm serious, marry me."

"You can't do that!" I yelled. "Just because I told you that I have cancer, it doesn't mean you ask me to marry you. God, Harry are you mental? You're free to go, now. I'm not having a baby anymore so you can leave. I don't want to be your charity case anymore." I finished my rant and tears stung my eyes.

"Woah, wait. Why would you think you were a charity case?" He asked, walking up to me but I took a step back.

"You have no reason to stay, anymore. So just leave like everyone else. I'm used to it by now." I wiped at my eyes, determined not to cry. I can't show weakness, I've done it too much.

"Anna, I'm not gonna leave you." Harry whispered and I kept my eyes on the floor. "Why would I leave?"

"Because everybody does. My mom, my brother and everyone else."

"Your brother didn't leave you. Even though he died, he hasn't left you. If you can't see how much I love you, then you must be fucking blind." Harry smiled a little and I looked into his eyes. "Alright, I'm not gonna leave you. You just need to trust me."

"I love you too." I muttered and he stopped to where he was right in front of me. "You're gonna get hurt though."

"You're worth it."



"Hey mate, how's she doin?" Liam asked, walking into the apartment.

"It hasn't sunk in yet, I don't think." I said quietly, afraid she would hear me from her bedroom. "She hasn't even cried once since it happened."

"Maybe she's just in shock." Liam suggested and we sat down on the couch. "When Sophia's mum passed away, she kept it all in and then one day just completely broke brown. I've never seen a girl cry so much. She made herself sick because she got so upset."

"I just wish Anna would do something. Like scream or cry or something. Anything so that I know she actually feels something." I ran a hand through my hair and Liam sadly smiled.

"She'll come around."


"Alright, how about we go over some treatment options." Doctor Montgomery said and pulled out some papers. Anna grabbed my hand from under the table and I gave it a reassuring squeeze. "So there is chemotherapy, obviously, which you would have to be treated with every five weeks. We also have the newly developed chemo pill, you take it once a day and it works the exact same, without the aching of normal chemotherapy. It is very expensive though."

"Which would you recommend?" Anna asked and I rested my hand on her thigh.

"Well, usually I would recommend to do normal chemotherapy for the first six months and then try radiation if it hasn't cleared up. Since it is in your lungs, we don't have the option of doing surgery to simply remove it. And because of it being stage four, there will be a longer treatment and remission."

"What are my chances?" Anna gripped my forearm and I cringed a little as her nails dug into the tattooed skin.

"Well," He hesitated and folded his hands on the table. "it all depends on how your body reacts to the treatment. But right now, stage four is the worst out of it all."

"Um, we will look all of this over and give you a call." I said after Anna had released her grip and her face went slack.

"Have a good day." Doctor Montgomery smiled at us and I squeezed Anna's thigh so she would stand up.

"Thanks." She breathed out and he nodded, leading us to the front door.


2 weeks later


"Hey, Lou." I smiled a little as she pulled me into a hug.

"How ya doin?" She asked and sat down on the couch with me.

"Fine, just a little sore." I shrugged. "I had my first chemo yesterday."

"Are you feeling alright?" She asked, concern lacing her voice. I tucked my legs up under my butt and leaned an arm on the back of the gray couch.

"Yeah, I got sick twice last night and three times today. But, I guess that's how it will be." I let out a breath and Lou frowned.

"Well, I'm always here to hold your hair back." I smiled and took a sip of my water.

"Speaking of hair, I'm gonna need you to cut it off in a couple weeks." Lou's mouth fell open and she put a hand to her chest.

"I will not cut your hair off. Your hair is perfect." She played with a strand of the blue hair and I sadly smiled.

"It's gonna fall out anyways, might as well get it over with."

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