chapter 3

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I watched from across the hall as Anna put stuff in her locker. She kept tugging at her beanie and nervously looking around her. I pulled myself up from the leaning position on my locker and sauntered over to her. Anna flinched as I shut her locker door and she hugged her books to her chest, avoiding my gaze. There was an obvious bruise underneath the makeup on her face and I felt a twinge of regret for doing these things to her.

"So, it seems you are a kinky little thing." I teased and she cowered away from me. "You like to be hit around?"

Anna shook her head and I smirked at how she never said anything back to me. Before I could say anything, she walked away in the direction of the last period. I could have sworn that I saw a tear in her eye. I brushed it off and went in the direction of Algebra. I groaned when Mr. Pitch gave me a tardy slip after the bell had rung as I walked in. I slumped down in my seat and I saw Anna tense up in front of me.

During the whole class, I watched as she shrunk deeper into her seat when people would throw paper at her. Once the bell rang, she got up quickly and went to her locker. I started walking with my friends and then smirked before slamming her locker shut.

"You scared?" Louis taunted and I laughed as Anna kept her eyes down. "Why so quiet?"

"You're hurting me." Anna said through clenched teeth when Liam held her wrists in place so she couldn't leave. Before anyone could do anything, she raised her knee and Liam let go of her to hold his manhood. I laughed as he back away and Louis stepped up.

"Wrong choice, sweetheart." He said, an evil glint in his eyes.

Louis held Anna by the shoulders and shoved her into the metal locker, her head hitting the hard material. As we started walking away, I turned around to see her sitting on the ground against the locker, a few tears on her cheeks. I quickly turned back around and pretended to listen to Louis talk about football. Once in the parking lot, I watched as Niall put a piece of paper on Anna's windshield. I furrowed my eyebrows but followed them to the diner across the street. We sat down in the usual booth and ordered a couple baskets of fries.

"Why so quiet, mate?" Zayn lightly shoved my shoulder and I snapped out of my thoughts.

"Tired." I muttered and looked out the window.


I finally pulled myself off of the floor and picked up my bag that was thrown. I made my way outside, trying to get the tears to stop. Once at my car, I noticed a small piece of paper on the windshield. I picked it up and read the messy handwriting.

Kill yourself, nobody would care.

I immediately noticed that it was Niall's handwriting, from the papers of his that I have to grade in History, so I crumpled it up and got in the car. I started it and tried again but to no avail. It's dead. I sighed and my bottom lip wobbled, could this day get any worse? I climbed out of the car and slung my bag over my shoulder, heading towards the sidewalk. I quickened my pace, hearing footsteps behind me and suddenly things were hitting my back.

"Don't you want the fries, fattie?" I heard the sickening voice of Louis and kept walking, hoping he would eventually go away.

"Let me try." I heard Zayn say and then a huge handful was thrown at me. I finally stopped and turned around to face the five boys, all with smirks on their faces.

"Do you ever fucking stop?" I asked loudly, my anger getting the best of me.

"The lamb speaks!" Liam busted out laughing and they soon joined, Harry lingering towards the back, a frown replacing the usual cocky smirk.

Before I could say anything else, Niall walked up and poured his soda on top of my head. My mouth fell open and I clenched my fists at my side. I didn't even think twice about bringing my fist back and letting it fly to his face. Niall yelped and cradled his nose, blood trickling down from it. My knuckles stung but I didn't care. I turned around to walk away but was pushed down to the cement. The breath fell from my lips as my chest hit the pavement and suddenly a foot was on my back, preventing me from moving.

"You ever do that again and you'll regret it." I heard Niall whisper close to my ear and he walked away.

I waited until they left to stand up. I walked down the sidewalk, wringing my soda-filled hair and trying to get it off of my Rolling Stones shirt. Once in the safety of home, I went upstairs to take a shower. I turned the faucet on and stripped down before climbing in. I hummed to myself as I washed my hair and tried to resist looking at the blade sitting in the corner. I couldn't take it anymore and shakily picked it up.


"What the fuck was that?" I turned to face Niall, stopping him from walking.

"What do you mean?" He rolled his eyes.

"You can't just go and push her down. You just took this thing to a whole new level that I don't want to be a part of." I said and he just shoved past me.

"Looks like little Harry here has a bit of a crush on Anorexic Anna." Louis teased and I clenched my jaw.

"No, I'm just saying that I didn't agree to physically hurting people."

"Then you can just watch." Liam patted my chest and continued to walk back to their cars.

"I'll talk to you guys when you grow up." I said and walked in the direction of my house, ignoring their calls for me. I am so sick of how they treat people, especially Anna. She has literally never done anything to them, it's my fault they hate her. I hate her so they fell like they have to back me up. But still, they can't just go around throwing around girls like that.

I knocked on Anna's front door after a moment of hesitation and nobody answered. She was definitely ignoring me, she is practically terrified of me. After a minute of waiting, I went next door and up to my room, not stopping to talk to Mum. I closed my door behind me and threw my books down on the bed, groaning as they fell to the floor. Movement in the room adjacent to mine made me look out the dusty window. Anna was standing in front of the mirror in her room, wet hair in a bun and only spandex shorts and a bra on.

I knew that I should turn away but something caught my eye. Blood. It was running down her arms and thighs, dripping to the towel underneath her. I saw her shoulders shake and I knew she was crying. I watched as Anna sat down and leaned up against her bed, sobbing into her knees. I never really noticed how skinny she was until now. She finally got up after a minute and wiped her tears before grabbing some gauze from her desk and she began wrapping the cuts on her wrists. I made her do this. This is all my fault.

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