chapter 9

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"I just want my best friend back." I said quietly and Harry smiled at me in the dark.

"Only on one condition." I raised an eyebrow. "We have to have weekly pig out movie sessions like we did in middle school."

"Works for me." I smiled a little to myself and laid back down, Harry doing the same.

"Goodnight, Anna banana." Harry laughed and I giggled, pulling the covers up.

"Night Haz."


"I wanna swim." Harry groaned, sprawling out on his bed like a starfish.

"Then go to the pool." I let out a small laugh and scrolled through Twitter.

"Will you come with me?" He whined and I rolled my eyes.

"Call Niall or something." I shut my phone off and stretched after standing up from the messy bed.

"As my best friend, you have to go with me." He smirked a little. "You'll have to help me fight off the crazy fangirls."

"Fine, but I'm not getting in." I warned and he smiled, running to his duffel bag. Harry stripped down right then and there. "What the hell?" I covered my eyes and he laughed.

"What? Never seen a dick?" Harry laughed and I groaned. "I'm covered."

"God, you are a handful." I mumbled and adjusted my shorts, grabbing my phone. I threw my hair up into a bun and Harry pulled a towel out of his bag.

"C'mon, blueberry." Harry laughed and poked my bun, opening the room door.


"Well, look who made up." Liam smirked when we walked into the pool area that had been blocked off for everyone else.

"Make fun all you want but I got a new best friend." Harry said sarcastically and then jumped into the pool.

I walked over to the chairs and took a seat next to Zayn. I pulled my legs up to my chest and rested my chin on my knees, watching the four boys mess around in the pool. As I scrolled through Instagram, I felt a gaze on me. Turning my head, I noticed Zayn was staring intently at me.

"What?" I quirked an eyebrow and he shook his head.

"How've you been? I don't think we've had an actual conversation other than you yelling at us to leave you alone." He laughed and I smiled a little.

"I'm alright." I shrugged. "What about the Bradford bad boy? How's he?"

"Doing just wonderful." He smiled. "You know, I never got a chance to apologize." I furrowed my eyebrows as he hesitated.

"Apologize for what?"

"For being a complete asshole in high school. I treated you awful and I don't understand how you agreed to come on tour. We all made your life a living hell so I'm sorry."

"Thanks, Zayn. That means a lot." I smiled a little and turned back to the pool.

"So now that we're all friends here, what do you say we go clubbing tonight." Louis suggested, climbing out of the pool. He shook his hair, resembling a wet dog.

"I'm in. What d'you say, Tarzan?" Niall said, nodding towards Harry.

"Hell yeah. Anna?" I nodded after a moment of hesitation and followed the guys to the elevator.

"You guys need to shower." I blurted out and they all turned to look at me.

"Damn, Wolff. Lay it out straight." Niall laughed and I felt my cheeks flush.



"Ready?" I asked Anna, straightening out my white t-shirt.

"Yeah." She mumbled, stepping out of the bathroom.

I felt my mouth fall open as I looked her up and down. Anna had on a skin tight black dress that had one long sleeve. It came to her mid thigh and the other arm was littered with bracelets. She had on black high top sneakers and her blue hair was curled. Anna also had on dark makeup that she usually doesn't wear. She looked gorgeous.

"Do I look okay?" She asked, shyly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah," I breathed out, nodding my head. "You look great."

"Party time!" Louis yelled, barging into the room, making Anna jump. "Man, I am ready to get absolutely trashed."

"You do know that you have to perform tomorrow, right?" Anna raised an eyebrow and Louis just rolled his eyes.

"The van is here." Liam popped his head in and Anna grabbed her phone and we all headed out.



I downed another shot and turned around to face the crowd of dancing people. I spotted Harry busting out some dumb dance moves, making me laugh. He caught my eye and motioned for me to walk over to him. I shook my head with a laugh as he shimmied his chest, the white shirt contracting against his muscles.

"He is so whipped." Zayn spoke up from next to me and took a sip from his beer bottle, the condensation dripping onto the floor.

"What do you mean?" I laughed and ordered a beer from the bartender.

"I have seen at least ten girls try and dance with him but he won't stop looking at you. Now, I think I know Harry well enough to know that he never turns down a dance with a girl." Zayn motioned to Harry who politely declined a girl who was trying to grind on him. "He fancies you."

"Yeah right." I mumbled and took a drink from my bottle. "Oh, sorry I need to take this."

I noticed my phone was vibrating and Brandon's name popped up. I held it up to my ear and said hello but then realized he probably butt dialed me. I was about to hang up but I heard him talk.

"God, I am so sick of pretending to like Anna. I feel bad, but I don't like walking around with a girl who has scars all over her wrists. It's embarrassing. She won't even let us go farther than making out." I heard and felt a lump form in my throat.

"Tell the guys that I got a cab." I muttered to Zayn and hopped down from the bar stool.

"You okay?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"Yeah, just tired." I lied and quickly made my way to the door. Once out in the fresh air, I began walking back to the hotel. It wasn't that far, only a few blocks.

"Anna!" I heard Harry call and he came running up to me. "What happened? Zayn said you looked like you were about to throw up."

"Nothing, just go back. I'm fine." I tried to fake a smile but tears filled my eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Harry's eyes softened and I turned away from him.

"I told you, I'm fine. I'm going back to the hotel, enjoy your night." I tried to walk away but suddenly dozens of paparazzi started calling Harry's name. He grabbed my hand and we both started running in the direction of the hotel.

"I'm gonna pull you into the alley when we turn the corner and kiss you, okay? They won't know it's us." I nodded, not even thinking straight.

As we rounded the corner, Harry pulled me into the dark alley, immediately pressing me up against the brick wall. He put his hood over his head and quickly pressed his lips to mine. I heard all the paps pass us up so Harry pulled away. It felt like time had completely slowed down and as I looked into his eyes, it was like we were fourteen again.

Harry put his hands on my cheeks and leaned down again, placing his plump lips on mine. I let my eyes flutter shut and I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. As I kissed Harry, even though we were in a dark alley, it was like every single problem I previously had vanished. All I could think of was Harry's lips on mine and that I never wanted to let go.

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