chapter 7

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"Tracy, I can't go on tour with them." I panicked and she gave me a sympathetic smile.

"I know what happened in your past, but just think how great of an opportunity this is. This offer might never come up again." She tried to explain and I slouched in my seat, defeated.

"I can't promise that I won't kill one of them." I mumbled and she snorted, giving my knee a pat.

"I believe in you." She smiled and I nodded, knowing that I probably would never get an offer like this ever again.

"When does the tour start?" I asked, turning to face their manager who was silently judging me.

"We would need you all in rehearsals in one week and the first date is June 14." He said and I nodded, giving Tracy a hesitant glance.

"I'll do it, but I have conditions." I said and Louis rolled his eyes. "I don't want to share a tour bus, hotel room or even a dressing room with any of them. And I get to pick my music." Their manager nodded.

"Done, so do we have a deal?" I glanced over at the five boys who all hated me and they just sighed.

"Yeah." I said quietly and Tracy squealed, pulling me into a side hug.


"Yeah." Anna said quietly and Niall groaned.

"Lou's gonna kill me if I get another black eye." He grumbled to himself and I held in a laugh.

I watched as Anna stood up from her seat and she glanced over at me before quickly looking away. She walked over to her manager, Tracy I think her name is, and I could tell that she was not happy.

"I don't know if I can do this." I overheard her say. "Imagine having to spend eight months with your ex-husband that you want to murder."

"The only difference in these situations is that you haven't banged any of them." I almost laughed at her when Martin snapped his fingers in front of me.

"Focus, Harry." He laughed and I smiled a little. "I can tell that there is tension between you all so spill."

"We all went to high school together and there are just some unresolved issues." I struggled to explain and Martin rolled his eyes. "We just never meshed well."

"What Harry is trying to say is," Liam interjected. "we never got along with Anna and she hated us because of some things that happened. She obviously hasn't forgiven us."

"Well you guys are going to have to suck it up because you're on the road with her for eight months." Martin said and I smiled a little to myself. Maybe she can forgive me in the long period of time that we'll be together.


As I walked out of the building and into the cool London air, I heard jogged footsteps behind me and then a familiar voice call my name. I stopped walking and reluctantly turned around to face the one person I could have lived without.

"Hey," Harry breathed out with a smile and I just stared blankly at him. "How've you been?"

"Do you really care or are you gonna listen to me then do a 360 and run away acting like a complete dick?" I retorted and his mouth dropped open a little. "Just leave me alone and we can get through this tour without killing each other."

"Anna, can we at least try and be civil with each other?" He ran his hand through his dark curly hair that was sort of quiffed.

"You ruined "civil" two years ago." I said quietly and adjusted the bag on my shoulder. "Look, I have to get back to the studio. I'll see you guys at rehearsal." I eyed the four boys who walked up behind Harry.

"8 months with you? We'll be the ones who need the pencil sharpeners." Louis snorted and I ran a hand through my hair, pushing the shorter layers from my eyes.

"You know what, if I have to deal with this the whole tour, I might as well just quit now" I shrugged and pulled my sweater over my knuckles. "Whatever, I have to go." I turned around and made my way to my car.

I climbed in and let a breath fall from my lips. I put the key in the ignition and my car roared to life, the radio immediately turning on. I rolled my eyes, hearing What Makes You Beautiful and changed the station. As I pulled out of the parking lot, I laughed, seeing Tracy flirting with Martin. I drove back to the studio and ran in just in time to see Brandon packing up his stuff.

"Oh, I was just about to leave but I can stay if you want." He smiled at me and I waved him off.

"No you can go. I was just gonna finish up some writing." I sat my bag down on the table and he put his backpack down too. "You don't have to stay, you probably have plans tonight."

"If Netflix counts as plans then yes." I laughed and sat down in a rolling chair, pulling out my song book. "But seriously, I want to stay. How was the meeting?"

"I don't even want to think about it." I groaned and leaned back in the seat. "I have to go on tour with One Direction."

"Anna! That's great!" He smiled and I shrugged. "You don't look excited."

"I mean, touring is gonna be great but they are complete assholes." Brandon raised an eyebrow and I sighed. "I went to school with them and we never got along. They always messed with me but then I left so I haven't seen them in two years until today."

"Oh, let's write, shall we?" Brandon smiled and I nodded, thankful that he didn't press on the whole subject.


"I, I must confess
How hard I tried to breathe
Through the trees of loneliness.
And you, you must confess
How hard you need to see
Through the heart beating out my chest"

I quietly sung to myself and scribbled down some notes to go along with the words. As I began thinking of words for the second verse, something hit me on the side of my head. I looked up to see Brandon looking at the ceiling with a bag of M&Ms in front of him. I picked up the green candy from my book and threw it back at him, hitting him square in the forehead. Brandon laughed and we ended up in a full on war of M&Ms.

"Okay," I laughed and held my hands up in mock surrender. "I give. What does the winner want."

"A kiss on the cheek should suffice." Brandon replied, tapping his scruffy cheek.

I rolled my eyes and leaned in to peck his cheek. Just as my lips were about to hit, he turned his head and kissed me. My eyes widened a little and a small blush formed on his cheeks. I smiled a little and stood on my tip toes, pressing my lips to his again. Brandon seemed a little taken aback that I kissed him again, but he quickly responded to the kiss and wrapped his arms around my waist. I put mine around the back of his neck and he smiled into the kiss.

"You know what else I want for winning?" He muttered, pulling away. "A date."

"I think that can be arranged."

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