chapter 4

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"Little anorexic Anna." Louis threw a CD onto the counter and I rolled my eyes, scanning it.

"12.35." I read out the amount he owed and handed over the receipt.

"Don't I get a discount since we're friends?" He smirked and leaned against the counter.

"Over my dead body." I mumbled and put the CD in the bag. "If you aren't gonna pay just leave."

"Fine, fine." Louis handed over a twenty and I gave him his change. "If this sucks, it's on you."

Louis walked out and I walked over to the book shelves and ran my fingers over the spines, pushing some back to place. The front bell chimed a few minutes later and then I heard someone quietly singing. I peeked around the shelf and noticed familiar curly hair. Harry was flipping through the records and singing 'Yellow' by Coldplay. I accidentally stumbled and he craned his neck to look at me, an amused smirk playing on his lips.

"Didn't your mother tell you not to eavesdrop." Harry said, still flipping through the records.

"Sorry." I mumbled and went over to the counter.

"How's your hand?" He chuckled and I let out a breath, clutching the counter. "Niall's nose looks like a blueberry."

"He deserved it." I tapped my fingers on the counter and Harry snorted.

"Remember when you punched Luke Holden in the face in second grade because he stole your Goldfish?"

"Why are you talking to me?" I asked, immediately regretting the question.

"I feel bad about what the guys did a few days ago. I just wanted to see how you were doing." I quirked an eyebrow. Harry has hated me since freshman year, why did he decide to care now?

"Very funny, Harry. You hate me." I watched as he picked up a Rolling Stones record and made his way to the counter.

"That is where you are wrong, Wolff."

"So why do you do all that stuff to me?"

"Have you ever heard about when a boy likes a girl, he picks on?" He smirked and leaned his forearms against the counter. My mouth dropped open a little at his confession and Harry just smiled a little at me.

"You're such an asshole." I finally said and he furrowed his eyebrows. "If you think all you do is pick on me, then I think you need a dictionary." I scanned the record and he handed me a debit card.

"Anna-" He tried and I shook my head.

"You can't do all this stuff that makes me want to slit my wrists everyday and then say that you've liked me for years." I exasperated and handed him his bag.

"You already do." He rolled his eyes and I froze. "No, wait that's not what a meant." Harry tried to save himself and I shook my head.

"You know what, we're closed. You need to leave." I turned off the computer, not meeting Harry's gaze. "Unless you want to be locked in here all night, get out." I said and grabbed my bag, going to the front door.

"Anna, just talk to me." Harry begged and I opened the door.

"I have nothing to say to you now get out." I pulled out the key and watched as he stood next to me outside. After the door was locked, I made my way to my car. When I opened the door, Harry slammed it closed.

"What happened to you?" He asked, his eyes searching for an answer in mine.

"You know perfectly well what happened to me. Now just leave me alone." I tried to get into my car again but he pinned me against the door. "Harry get off."

"No, not until you listen to me." He held my wrists in place causing my cuts to sting. "I like you Anna. I have since eighth grade but I was a dick. When your mom left, you changed. I stopped being your friend because I didn't want to have to handle it. I saw your cuts the other day and it made me feel like absolute shit knowing that I am part of the reason for it. Just let me make it up to you."

He got quieter towards the end and before I could say anything, his hands were on my face and he leaned down, pressing his lips to mine. I tensed up but relaxed a moment later and Harry ran his thumb across my cheek. After a second, I realized what I was doing and pulled away. Harry's cheeks were flushed and a small smile fell on his face. I shoved him away and climbed in my car, not even giving an explanation. He thinks he can mess with me for three years and then kiss me. Who does he think he is? I wiped my lips on the sleeve of my sweater and tried to concentrate on the road. Once home, I ran up to my room and paced the carpet, chewing on my thumbnail.

"Float down like autumn leaves." I picked my phone up and mumbled a hello.

"Is this the owner of the Anna-onymous YouTube account?" The person asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"May I ask who's calling?" I sat down on my bed and ran a hand through my hair.

"This is Tracy Sutherland from Modest Management. Is this a bad time?" I immediately perked up.

"No, this is a great time. Is there something you need?"

"I am going to be in Holmes Chapel in a couple weeks and I would like to give you a record deal. Now, I know this is short notice, but I love your voice and I think I could make you a star." She said and I screamed in my head.

"You want to give me a record deal?" She laughed and said yes. "Oh my god, thank you so much."

"I will text you with the details later."

We said our goodbyes and I hung up, a smile falling on my lips. I ran over to my laptop and flipped it open, the screen coming to life. I opened YouTube and logged in, going to my videos. All of them had at least 50,000 views. A couple years ago, I started my channel and I post videos of me singing. I never show my face, in fear of people at school finding out. I'm going to get a record deal, I smiled to myself and leaned back in the chair. Maybe things will get better.

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