México and Mariachi

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Andrea's POV

I was finally back, I couldn't be happier. Driving has always been my safe place in the world, and being unable to do it was awful to me. The Mexican GP was coming up and right now I was leaving from the FP2, in which I ended in P4, since I wanted to have some rest and have some good typical food which Pato and Sergio recommended, ot more like obligated me to try. While I was leaving the track, many fans came up to me.

"Andrea! Please can we take a picture?" They asked. They were too little boys, as they shouted that, many other fans came too.

"Sure, boys." I said as I posed alongside them.

"We love how you drive."

"Yeah, how scary is it to drive an F1 car?"

"Well thank you. Driving is pretty scary, but we enjoy it every day and every lap. I need to get going, but it was nice to meet you." I said leaving.

It was amazing to see that many people liked me around here, it always felt so rewarding.

After eating some amazing Mexican food I went back to my hotel and fell asleep with Ozzy. Saturday was next in line, and I wasn't doing so well and ended P8 for tomorrow's race. Need to say I was nervous, I was now in 13th place in the championship, so I had to get some big points for the rest of the season. I was scared, but I knew I was able to do it...right?

"Andrea!" Paul called.

"Sup, Paul."

"I wanted to talk to you kid. You've been driving weirdly..."

"Huh?" I asked a bit offended.

"You're driving with fear...It's not right, you know that right?"

"I know, I just ...I just don't want to crash again." I said whispering so that nobody else in the garage could hear.

"It's not a good experience, I get it...But if you don't overcome that fear, then you won't be able to drive as well as I know you can. Fear will always stop you from getting what you want, I know that." He said as I looked at him questionably. "Fear has always been a part of my life, a part that I hate, it has always left me with nothing and no one... Charlotte already told you right?" I nodded. "Well...she talked to me about everything and I was too scared to keep going. I'm not a cheesy guy, it's hard for me to even show a love language and...I'm afraid I'll hurt her or even hurt myself."

"Well, you said it...Fear is bad, but you aren't afraid, you're scared and it's understandable. If you try to talk it through with her again, then I'll also try even harder to get us back in the podiums."

"You will do it...and I will too." He said seriously leaving me sitting on the edge of the pit fence.

I can do it.


The race was starting in a few minutes, Paul came over to me and we sat on the floor next to the pit wall inside the track.

"Are you ready?" He asked to which I remained silent. "Are you ready, Andrea?" He said as I got inside the car and I remained silent again. He put his head through the halo just a minute before the start. "Answer me! Are you ready?!" He shouted angrily, leaving most of the people that were around in a shock

"I'm always ready, Paul." I said with a confident smile.

"Alright! Then get 'em kiddo." He said leaving to the side of the track for the formation lap.

The lights went off and I passed to P6. On lap 48/71 I was P8 after pitting on lap 31. I was doing great, so much so that on lap 57/71 I was now on P5. I was still feeling a bit insecure about how fast I was going, but as a Formula 1 driver, speed is something that you can't be scared of and that I should embrace. If I chose this career then I had to aceept what comes with it, I can't be scared of everything that happens, specially if I'm fighting for a spot for next year.

I ended the race P4 with Oscar P5. We could have done better, but we didn't suck and drove nicely. We celebrated with the team quickly and left for the hotel, we had some room service and talked until midnight.

Spending time with him, just talking and being myself was the best, of course, I could do that with someone else...But no one would make me feel as safe and accepted more than him. I now realized that he was my soulmate and my heart was destined to meet his.

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