Race Week 4

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"We are here again at the Chinese Grand Prix in the drivers parade!"

Andrea's POV:

It was amazing how Lando got better in a short time, he was able to fly here and end his recovery here. I went to see him and we went out a couple of times for a coffee and gossip session, one of those times Charlotte and his PR, Camila, came with us.

I was going to be driving for practice 1 but not for the race. I wanted to drive again, but that would mean something bad had to happen to Oscar or Lando and of course, I didn't want that. I had some meetings with Charlotte and Paul. Every driver has their main engineer and Paul and I chose to have some meetings to understand each other more on the radio.

Today was also my date with Oscar and he told me to dress up fancy, he told me where we would be going and it was a beautiful restaurant.

While I was in the garage I saw Marc, he was Charlotte's boyfriend who helped her get into motorsport. She had gotten him and his best friend Anthony paddock passes and they were going to be here for the week.

"Hey, Andrea! Nice to finally meet you, Charlotte keeps talking about you a lot." He said and we shook hands. "This is Anthony, just a close friend of mine."

"Pleasure Andrea." He said while shaking my hand and smiling.

"Yeah, I can say the same." I said smiling friendly at him.

"Oh shit, Charlotte is calling. I better go find her, but a pleasure to meet you, Andrea." Marc said as his phone vibrated, leaving me with Anthony.

"So, you're the reserve right?" He said and I gave him a nod. "That's cool, well it's a cool sport already, but still. I heard you got a P2 last race. Congrats!" He said.


"I'm sorry to be intruding but, do you have a boyfriend?" He asked making me shook my head.

"Well, umm...yeah...no...it's complicated." I said.

"Oh yeah I get that, before I got with my boyfriend it was awful. But well it's a shame, a friend of mine really liked you and asked me to give you his number." He said laughing, making me laugh too. "If that complicated situation doesn't work out, my friend wants to be introduced to you." He said and winked at me making me laugh again.

"Well I'm pretty sure he's nice, but I want to keep fighting for that complicated situation." I said confidently.

We kept talking for a long time while I waited for Oscar, Anthony was so nice and seemed happy in his relationship with his boyfriend Rafa. We kept talking about relationships and gossiping a bit. He asked me about the guy, but I told him I couldn't, even though he looked desperate to know, he respected my privacy.

Oscar's POV:

I was coming back from the parade and went to talk with my engineers about the track and the car. I was confident about this race and excited about tonight's date with Di. Talking about Di, I looked around the garage to find her. When I saw her I couldn't wait to be with her, not until I saw her company. This guy was talking with her and making her laugh, why was she laughing? Was he seriously talking to her? I don't know what got onto me, but I walked towards them and introduced myself.

"Hey Di and hey...?"

"Anthony, a pleasure to meet you, Oscar." He said and shook my hand, he then took his phone out and turned to Di. "I have to go, Marc is looking for me. But I'll DM you, maybe then you'll tell me the name of your mystery boy." He said and they both laughed, and then they hugged goodbye. "I can't wait to tell Rafa all about it, he'll be so jealous of his boyfriend getting so much gossip. Bye, Andrea!"

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